Monday, July 2, 2018

The hazy, crazy, lazy, days of summer...
Looks as though Grandma and Grandpa had the grandkids out swimming on Monday.
July 2, 2018 - Monday evening
81 degrees/clear skies/breezy
Pentoga Road

The temperature rose dramatically today after dropping to 53 degrees early this morning. We hardly noticed as the humidity was quite low and the wind that blew throughout the day made it quite comfortable.

I started this morning in the garden, supervising the plants as they grow inches a day.

All the melons and pumpkins are now in blossom and sending vines every which way. One of my daily tasks is to relocate renegade vines, pointing them to the outside of the garden. Failure to do so would result in their smothering everything else between the outside beds and house.

The cucumbers are beginning to set fruits and it appears I'll be making pickles in another week or two. 

I purchased a variety this year that sets all female blossoms, no boys or pollination required. With warm weather forecast in the long term, along with occasional rain, we ought to have a bumper crop.

I was excited to return to the shop and finish the hickory bowl I'd started before the old motor on the lathe burned up.

I flicked the switch and the motor spun, but the spindle remained still. What he heck?

I didn't realize the new motor had a tightener on the template so when I installed it, the belt was too tight. Talk about not using my brain. I think I was so eager to get the lathe going that I didn't use any common sense.

Thankfully, I had an old belt that worked like a charm once it was installed and adjusted. I was back in business.

Lord Almighty, hickory is the most dense, heaviest, and hardest wood I've ever turned. I can see why the small motor on the lathe burned out.

I worked for almost two hours before it was time to sand the bowl, then another hour getting a good finish.

Tuesday's task will be to make and paint flowers to go in the bowl.

Sargie and I took time out of our day for our usual ride. We enjoyed watching families biking, swimming, and enjoying the weather. There's little doubt that the tourists have invaded our remote neck of the woods for the holiday week as there are campers and boats all over the place.

Back home, Sargie hopped on the tractor and mowed the lawn south of the garden. I retired to the shop and began assembling my new drill press.

Like everything else these days, it come in a million or more pieces with sketchy instructions, but in the end, the machine was assembled, mounted onto the bench top, and made ready to drill some serious holes when needed.

Sargie and I were going fishing this afternoon, but the wind refused to die down. We could have gone anyway, but honestly, I think we were both tired from two long days of travel and were happy to stay home.

I plan to spend tomorrow morning in the shop making and painting flowers. We'll be traveling to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, in the afternoon to see about a pooch, oh yes, a four-legged companion. No promises, no thoughts, no nuthin', but we think it's worth a look.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Sargie's flowers are really growing and looking beautiful.

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