Saturday, July 31, 2021

July 31, 2021 - Saturday morning
64 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Another short one here today. Sargie's ready to leave to get her hair done followed by make up. I think I'll finish this then continue to read a good book that I've had my nose stuck in for a few days.

Yooper Brother Mark and I went for our usual Friday morning walk yesterday. As vice president of his company he's readying to leave for their plant in Kentucky in the next week or two. The man certainly is busy.

Upon arrival home, I tucked the garden in for the weekend and was happy to see that the spaghetti and delicata winter squash are setting on. Looks as though we'll have a good crop to give away this year.

Leaving mid morning, we had a wonderful ride to Escanaba which lies along the northern shore of Lake Michigan.

A stop was made by the wedding shop in the downtown area where I tried on my tuxedo. It fit perfectly. After, we made our way to the hotel and met the rest of the family.

Great Uncle Ross and Cheeks were having a play date

Sargie soon zoomed off to have her nails done. I socialized with the rest of the family until rehearsal time.

With pretty nails (Sargie, not me), we made our way to the pavilion and ceremony area. The pictures tell the story.

I was extremely flattered and gratified that the kids included a picture of Mom "Grandma Hedy" on the table of those family members who've gone ahead. Macrea and Mel always made her feel a part of the family and Hambone loved her dearly. Even now, she continues to be. I'm sure Mom's looking down, happy as can be, that she's included in today's activities.

Rehearsal finished, the wedding party made their way to a local park where food was catered and everyone had a good time.

Sargie's off to get her hair prettified. I'm on my second cup of coffee and ready for another. Guess I ought to get this uploaded and think about what lies ahead today. Let's see, I follow Macrea and Sargie down the aisle at the wedding before being seated... or do I go first? 

Yup, either way, I can do that very integral part of the wedding, darn straight, I can. 

After? Well, we'll take it as it comes.

Niece, Sasha, and I taking our selfie.
We've made selfies each day, at every family event, for years.
No doubt, there'll be another tomorrow.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Friday, July 30, 2021


Sheri and Mark's newest grandbaby. I told Yooper Brother Mark it looked just like him as neither have any hair.

July 30, 2021 - Friday morning
46 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It's a quick write this morning as I want to take my walk before packing and leaving for Escanaba. Wedding weekend is upon us.

Yesterday's hike went well. With the humidity finally lifted, it was the first time in a long time that I didn't sweat half to death. 

I made a video, but don't think I'll have time to edit and put it on this morning. It was just a practice one anyway.

Part of the day was spent mowing the back trails and all the meadows. With those finished and groomed, the rest of the yard will be mowed Sunday afternoon when we arrive back home.

I helped Sargie in the house and with music playing, the time flew. 

The garden is growing so fast that it needed my attention. 

There are vines growing everywhere, peas fattening, pumpkins doubling in size, and blueberries ripe for the picking.

The first of the green beans were picked. They should be about perfect the first of next week.

What most demanded my attention were the two giant pumpkin plants. Both needed to be pruned so the nourishment can go to the fruit(s) not the vines.

The hand pollination done last week worked with both plants as the baby pumpkins formed from the blossoms and are maturing. Once they get larger, they'll gain up to ten pounds daily, assuming the weather and grower cooperate.

The last giant pumpkin I grew in 2019 weighed 600 pounds with most of the growth gained in the last two to three weeks. This year's pumpkins have, maybe, six weeks to mature. Boosted by gallons of artificial fertilizer applied twice a day, Miracle Grow, along with pounds of cow manure, they'd better get busy. 

Before you naturalists click your tongue in disgust, these aren't pumpkins you'd eat. They are strictly for show and grown for fun. Put is this way, they don't glow in the dark, but aren't far from it.

Yooper Brother Mark and Sheri stopped by for a visit last night. As usual, we gabbed and caught up on the news.

Seems Isabella was busy before she left for Wyoming. Sheri insisted Mark take a sock off.

What? Are his delicate tootsies painted? As the kids say, "OMG!"

He claims he let Isabella paint them to make his granddaughter happy, but she's been gone several days and the tootsies are still adorned. Last I knew, there was a product called polish remover.


Okay, time to wrap this up. Mark is on his way out for our Friday morning walk. I'm a bit hesitant to go with as what few toenails I have are ugly and misshaped, certainly not pretty like his.

Oh well, if my tootsies aren't pretty enough for him, he'll just have to walk by himself.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Thursday, July 29, 2021


Nature's Orchard
Plump Red Raspberries 

July 29, 2021 - Thursday morning
65 degrees/cloudy/breezy
Pentoga Road

I was walking yesterday morning, stopping often to pick and stuff the large hole in my face with juicy raspberries, when I remembered I had a dentist appointment. Usually my walk of just under four miles takes a bit over an hour. Knowing I'd be late if I didn't hurry, I quit eating raspberries and quickened my pace. Having already missed an appointment earlier this week, I hustled right along and made it with time to spare.

Mom would have been proud of me. Her little guy didn't have any cavities and I was even complimented on how good my teeth and gums are. 

Hmm, I brush them every morning and that's about it. Must be good genetics.

Back from the dentist, I borrowed Yooper Brother Mark's electric hedge shears and attempted to trim the bushes growing around the rear of the house. He said the shears came with their home when they bought it many years ago and that he couldn't remember ever using them.

I plugged in the extension cord and was happy when they jumped to life. Just one problem. I think the original owner must have used them to cut firewood. Shrugging, I got out my old hand shears and began chopping way.


It was hot and humid, really humid. The bushes had grown out of control and without a hint of a breeze, I was soon sweating profusely and downright miserable.

I quit, came inside, and asked Sargie if she'd call the hardware store and see if they had any Dewalt battery operated hedge trimmers. She did and they did.

As luck would have it, they were on sale. Since all my battery tools are the DeWalt brand, I didn't have to purchase anything other than the trimmers.

Back home, grooming the rest of the bushes went quickly. Clean up was easy as I had pulled the small trailer alongside and before I knew it, the job was finished.

One hardwood tree had been cut into chunks three weeks ago and still needed to be hauled to the shed. That took the rest of the afternoon.

I estimate each piece weighs between forty to sixty pounds. I'd cart one to the trailer, stop and rest a few seconds, then do it again. Eventually, the wood was brought to the shed before being unloaded. Once all the trees are are sawed into chunks (they're already cut and laying on the ground) and the pieces brought to the barn, I'll rent a large wood splitter and work them up in one day. No sense ruining my small electric splitter.

Sargie was busy throughout the day doing what she does in the house getting ready for company next week. At one point, she became so hot that along with the high humidity, she thought she'd be ill. My girl is smarter than me. She quit and cooled off before beginning again.

We had a decent rain last night that fell as a cold front came through. I'm going to mow the meadows and trails today and plan to do the yard Sunday afternoon and evening before our company arrives. Sargie has her own plans for today, so it's going to be a busy one. We'll leave in the morning for Escanaba and check into the hotel before Sargie departs to get her nails and whatever all done.

Me? I plan to hang out with Hambone and the rest of the Milligans once they arrive. 

Time to shake, rattle, and roll, and get my walk in before the day gets too far along.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Only eight more trees to go

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

It was nice of Goodyear to send their blimp to Green Bay on Monday to entertain us

July 28, 2021 - Wednesday morning
61 degrees/foggy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I hadn't seen a blimp in years so it was nice to watch one from the famous Goodyear fleet fly overhead yesterday. 

Our trip to Green Bay was a good one. Leaving Hambone at home and talking a bit with Macrea, we were soon on our way south.

Luck was with us when Sargie found the shoes (with a matching purse) she'd been looking for. I've been telling her for sometime that she'll be the prettiest girl (other than the bride) at Mel and Macrea's wedding. With her new shoes and purse, there's no doubt.

We enjoyed a leisurely lunch and made the rounds of the usual stores. It was a nice, relaxing day, just the two of us. 

The rest of this week and next are going to be somewhat hectic. We leave for Escanaba on Friday where I'll pick up my tux for Saturday's wedding and tag along to whatever Sargie has scheduled. I know she has appointments on Saturday morning to have her hair done, make up, etc., all of which I'll gladly miss. Don't ask me. I'm a guy and don't understand those things.

Me? I could jump out of the pool and into my tux and be seated at the wedding in under five minutes. 

Like I said, I'm a guy.

I received a text last night from my niece, Christy, saying they'll be heading our way and are due to arrive Sunday evening for the week. I have my monthly eyeball shot appointment in Rhinelander early Monday morning, so it'll be go go go, but we're so looking forward to seeing Christy, her husband, Josh, and their daughter, Jordon.

They want to do some kayaking. I hope I remember how. It's been a while since I've paddled the mighty Brule River.

Cheeks and Hambone are coming over later in the week.

Looks like a fun, but very busy, time ahead.

Darn, we forgot to get sugar yesterday while shopping. A gaggle of hummingbirds have invaded Pentoga Road and are draining the feeder almost as fast as we can fill it. 

There are four or five at any given time, all chasing and fighting over who'll get the most nectar. We often see eight or ten buzzing outside our window.


I had to laugh last night. Sending out a group text to the Milligan's, reminding them that we'll be hosting the annual Labor Day family gathering, I inadvertently copied our nephew, Regan's, cell number wrong.

It wasn't long after that I received a text from my newest BFF, Justine, saying I probably had the wrong number. I apologized and wrote another text to Regan, explaining what had happened, that we'd see him this weekend at the wedding, and not to forget Labor Day. Somehow that text went to Justine also.

Therein ensued a nice conversation with Justine who wished us a happy wedding this weekend. I told her after writing back and forth, she might as well come on Labor Day, that she could be part of the family.

I don't know Justine, never met her, but I'm assuming she's a younger person with a good sense of humor. It's said God puts those in our path when we need them. Last night, tired, but happy, from a long day, talking with Justine was the perfect way to end a perfect day.

Oh, and I finally got through to Regan and he said they'd be here on Labor Day. Two victories scored with one text last night. 

On today's agenda, well, I'm not sure. I think I'll go get another load of gravel and try to spread that before night's end. I'd like to get that project finished before I start bringing in firewood.

The bushes growing along the patio and in back of the house badly need trimming. I'll move that chore to the top of the list.

Okay, time to go for my walk.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

My second pair of Injinji toe sock/liners arrived yesterday. Wicking moisture and keeping the toes from rubbing together, they are a great preventative to blisters during a long distance hike.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

You never know what you'll see while walking. How about an enclosed toilet on three sides with the seat hanging from above?

July 27, 2021 - Tuesday morning
59 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I know I'd like to have one of those shrines to the reading room in my front yard. It might sound good, but I'm fearful if I tried to erect such a monument, Sargie might try to stuff my head inside the porcelain throne. Christmas time would particularly pretty, the three sided structure outlined in colorful lights.

I guess a guy can't have it all.

Monday was gravel day (again) on Pentoga Road. Grandma Sargie, Hambone, and I, made our way to our friend, Gene's, for a load of gravel. It's one of Hambone's favorite places to visit.

Gene, along with his son, Victor, have a huge facility with about every type of gravel/dirt/sand, screened and washed, any contractor or private person might need.

We learned how much of the gravel has to be washed and screened to meet the inspection requirements for various contractors. It's quite the process. 

With Grady's vast backhoe experience, Gene told him that when he turned 13 years old, he could run some of the equipment and if he liked that, once Grady is a bit older, he could have a summer job.

I don't know about anyone else, but I was never offered a future summer job when I was 7. Lucky kid.

Back home, we got busy spreading heavy landscape cloth and laying gravel on top of that.

As has become our routine, Hambone and Grandma Sargie did much of the shoveling from the trailer while I pushed the heavy wheelbarrow and raked the gravel.

Hambone occasionally took a break from shoveling to work on his newest project in the barn. I never knew a hammer, nails, and scrap pieces of wood, could be so entertaining.

Poor Hambone was officially christened into the Carpenter's Hall of Smashed Fingers and Thumbs when he learned a valuable lesson, that of keeping one's thumb and fingers out of the way of the hammer.

Running cold water over the injury before applying antibiotic cream along with a kiss, Grandma Sargie worked her magic and Hambone was soon back outside doing his thing.

It was time to lay gravel inside the portable garage. Only one problem. There were large chunks of hardwood in the way, those waiting to be split and stacked. We had to move those before work could continue.

In the end, the gravel was spread and tightly packed. 

The main area alongside the barn is finished, but we still want to spread gravel in back of both wood sheds, around the outdoor wood furnace, and in back of the barn. 

We've laid four tons of crushed rocks so far and I figure another four will see the job finished.

Needing rain, we watered both the flowers and garden last night. 

We'll soon be enjoying fresh broccoli along with the baby zucchini we've been relishing for the past week.

Sargie and I will be dropping Hambone off in Iron Mountain this morning on our way to Green Bay. The mother of the groom is still looking for that special pair of shoes to wear to the wedding this coming weekend and like always, there are needed household supplies to be purchased. 

The thousands of baby goldfish have doubled in size over the past week. Here, a herd of the little piranhas is chasing a piece of floating goldfish food. If anyone is in need of goldfish, let me know. We can fix you up with a few thousand.

Time to get this show on the road. 

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Not only is Hambone a heavy equipment operator, he's a rocker!

October 27, 2021 – Wednesday afternoon Iron River Hospital So I've been lying here in bed thinking... just thinking. Other than cough a...