Nature's Orchard
Plump Red Raspberries
July 29, 2021 - Thursday morning
65 degrees/cloudy/breezy
Pentoga Road
I was walking yesterday morning, stopping often to pick and stuff the large hole in my face with juicy raspberries, when I remembered I had a dentist appointment. Usually my walk of just under four miles takes a bit over an hour. Knowing I'd be late if I didn't hurry, I quit eating raspberries and quickened my pace. Having already missed an appointment earlier this week, I hustled right along and made it with time to spare.
Mom would have been proud of me. Her little guy didn't have any cavities and I was even complimented on how good my teeth and gums are.
Hmm, I brush them every morning and that's about it. Must be good genetics.
Back from the dentist, I borrowed Yooper Brother Mark's electric hedge shears and attempted to trim the bushes growing around the rear of the house. He said the shears came with their home when they bought it many years ago and that he couldn't remember ever using them.
I plugged in the extension cord and was happy when they jumped to life. Just one problem. I think the original owner must have used them to cut firewood. Shrugging, I got out my old hand shears and began chopping way.
It was hot and humid, really humid. The bushes had grown out of control and without a hint of a breeze, I was soon sweating profusely and downright miserable.
I quit, came inside, and asked Sargie if she'd call the hardware store and see if they had any Dewalt battery operated hedge trimmers. She did and they did.
As luck would have it, they were on sale. Since all my battery tools are the DeWalt brand, I didn't have to purchase anything other than the trimmers.
Back home, grooming the rest of the bushes went quickly. Clean up was easy as I had pulled the small trailer alongside and before I knew it, the job was finished.
One hardwood tree had been cut into chunks three weeks ago and still needed to be hauled to the shed. That took the rest of the afternoon.
I estimate each piece weighs between forty to sixty pounds. I'd cart one to the trailer, stop and rest a few seconds, then do it again. Eventually, the wood was brought to the shed before being unloaded. Once all the trees are are sawed into chunks (they're already cut and laying on the ground) and the pieces brought to the barn, I'll rent a large wood splitter and work them up in one day. No sense ruining my small electric splitter.
Sargie was busy throughout the day doing what she does in the house getting ready for company next week. At one point, she became so hot that along with the high humidity, she thought she'd be ill. My girl is smarter than me. She quit and cooled off before beginning again.
We had a decent rain last night that fell as a cold front came through. I'm going to mow the meadows and trails today and plan to do the yard Sunday afternoon and evening before our company arrives. Sargie has her own plans for today, so it's going to be a busy one. We'll leave in the morning for Escanaba and check into the hotel before Sargie departs to get her nails and whatever all done.
Me? I plan to hang out with Hambone and the rest of the Milligans once they arrive.
Time to shake, rattle, and roll, and get my walk in before the day gets too far along.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Only eight more trees to go
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