Sunday, January 31, 2016

Basking in the warm sun, there were plenty of ice fishermen trying their luck on Saturday
January 31, 2016 - Sunday
27 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

With record breaking temperatures reaching well into the forties, one might be lulled into thinking spring is here.

Oh, quite the contraire. I've heard rumors that a major winter storm is on the way and could drop over a foot of snow on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

The last two days have been somewhat lazy, although it seems I've kept busy. 

I started construction on the strawberry planters on Thursday and worked until running out of treated wood.

The treated posts have been leaning against the barn and it took some doing to scrape the ice and snow from each.

Without lumber, there was nothing more I could do, so I worked on a flat piece of artwork, Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. The very fine scroll saw blade broke and with my eyes growing weak, I decided it was time to quit.

Despite continuing trouble with my formerly frost bitten toes, I'm doing pretty well about keeping up my walking regimen. The three miles pass under my feet quickly, but I pay for it later in the day, usually the evening, when several toes swell to the size of (and look like) bloody breakfast sausages on steroids. Staying off my feet causes the swelling to subside so the cycle is repeated daily as relinquishing my outside activities during the winter months isn't an option.

I gathered some winter squash and other goodies Thursday afternoon and dropped those off at Jeanne and Boyd's in Iron Mountain. I also took veggie goody bags for Holly and Ross. Accomplished growers, I always learn something new and really enjoy our times together. 

The squash we enjoyed for supper last night.
Sargie was surprised when I walked into the Vision Center just before she was to get off work. We rode back together and bypassed home in lieu of meeting Yooper Brother Mark and Sheri for a Friday night fish fry. As always, the fish was good, the company even better.

I rode back to Iron Mountain on Saturday morning with Sargie, taking advantage of being in the big city to purchase enough treated lumber at Home Depot to get really serious about building the strawberry planters.

The sun was bright, the temperatures warm. Upon returning home, I plowed the drive, then spent the rest of the day scraping much of it by hand down to the bare blacktop. A couple of the trails were plowed into the maple woods and hopefully, I'll be able to keep those open until it's time to tap trees. In essence, I played outside all day.

Sargie came home from work last night with Grady in tow. We played last evening and no doubt, will continue outside until his daddy picks him up later today.

Grady looking at the "ish" as he calls them. I took minnows, used for bait, from the minnow bucket and put them in a large glass jar. Grady is fascinated and loves watching them.
I'm frustrated. Luke sent a picture of Abigail holding a letter from a local state politician congratulating her for making high honors in school. (Congratulations Abigail! Grandpa's proud of you!) I can't find the picture anywhere. Probably a good thing I'm no longer teaching as I'd lose half the assignments.

Andy sent a new picture of Ivy. She sure is one happy little girl.

That's about all the news I know from Pentoga Road, at least for today. 

Munchkin child will be awake fairly soon, then life as we know it will no longer exist, at least for the next few hours.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Friday, January 29, 2016

There's nothing I'd rather do than balance on an uneven ladder to hang a new light fixture.
January 29, 2016 - Friday
-7 degrees/clear/breezy
Pentoga Road

It's cold this morning. After several days of relative warmth, Carl the Weatherman says it's going to be cold today, then we're going to experience a huge warm up with rain and freezing rain coming into our area tomorrow. Next week's forecast? It's to be back to normal with lows dipping down to the single digits or below zero.

I was looking over this past week's logs and for whatever reason, this has been the week of light fixtures, hanging from tall ladders, and playing electrician. First, there was the security light on the barn, then the light in the basement stairwell, and yesterday, Sargie and I hung the fixture in the upstairs stairwell. It wasn't planned that way. Hmm, must have been the alignment of the planets or some other mysterious phenomena. I go years and never install a light fixture. I'm not sure what caused all the action of this past week.

None-the-less, I worked Thursday morning from a high rung of the extension ladder.

 I was lucky. The old box onto which the fixture attaches is a relic, one from electrical days gone by. There was nothing conventional in which to attach the new light.

Looking closer, I found two random holes in the box through which the decorative bolts might fit. I held my breath, said a prayer to the Angel of Light Fixtures Everywhere, and stuck the bolts through. They worked, barely. In this case, barely was good enough. The light was hung and the job finished.

Sister-in-law, Nancy, has been having some computer problems. Sargie and I hopped in the car and drove to Foster City. I worked for most of the afternoon while the girls caught up on life, but I never did solve the dilemma, why her wireless router won't relay information to her computer. I promised that I'd continue to read and research from home and sooner or later, we'll find a solution. It might be time to call my good friend and computer guru, Vince, in northern Maine. Vince can fix anything.

We had a quiet evening last night and both of us remarked how quickly the day had flown by. They always do when Sargie's home.

Sargie opens the Vision Center today. I'm going to walk my usual three miles then work out in the shop. 

Meanwhile, there's coffee to sip and deep thoughts to think. After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wednesday morning was spent cleaning the shop and made ready for the next project.
January 28, 2016 - Thursday
24 degrees/snow squalls/windy
Pentoga Road

It's almost 9:30 and I'm just now writing. That's okay, Sargie's off today, so I stayed in bed longer than usual and besides, it's not a very nice day to play outside. 

Wednesday was busy. After arriving home from my three-mile walk, I started work in the shop, mostly cleaning and fixing a few things that had accumulated on the work bench.

I'm trying to convert the old outside security light into one that I can mount on the ceiling in my shop for even more light.
It was almost noon before I turned off the heat and came back inside. I'm going to begin construction of several strawberry pyramids and now I can start with a clean place in which to work. Once all the sawing begins, it won't stay that way very long. 

A quick trip was made into town to purchase an inexpensive receptacle and junction box so that a light could be mounted over the basement steps. It's dark going down there and Sargie's been asking for one for some time. 

After a quick stop by the plant to visit with Yooper Brother Mark, I was on my way home.

The first problem I encountered was how to fix the ladder. One side was lowered as far as possible and the other shortened. 

The actual installation, running the wire, and connecting to the electricity wasn't difficult and normally would have taken an hour or less. It took me almost four. Working in good light is a challenge at best. Doing the same in a darkened stairwell can be downright frustrating. I ended up using two auxiliary lights, plus a headlamp before the job was finished, but as Mom always says, "At least you did it." Yes I did.

Sargie walked in the door early last night carrying a big ol' family-sized pizza. This family of two made short work of it while watching television and catching up on our day's activities.

I'm not certain what's on today's agenda. Sargie has asked that I hang a new light fixture in the stairwell going up to the second floor. We purchased one almost two years ago and I haven't quite gotten around to it. Since Sargie's home and I can use her eyes and assistance, this just might be the day to install the thing. 

Sister-n-law, Nancy, the famous JC Penny model, needs some help with her computer, but I'm not sure we'll be heading to Foster City with the roads being as they are. We've got to get over there soon, though.

No doubt, we'll creep our way into town for Sargie's Coke and to take advantage of our local grocery's three-day meat sale.

So much to do, so little of me, but as we all know, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Eating is such strenuous work.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 27, 2016 - Wednesday
15 degrees/clear/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Ol' Grandpa's a bit down in the back this morning. At first, I couldn't figure out why, but then it dawned on me that Grady and I had been quite active yesterday, enjoying activities that required Grandpa to bend over and occasionally pluck him from the ground. When he's dressed in his snow suit and wearing heavy boots, he's a bit top heavy and unlike the Weebles of old, Grady wobbles and he will fall down.

The mitten came off and with a full face of snow, Grady needed Grandpa's help to get out of this one. In fact, I heard, "Papaa, help meeeee!" more than once.
We had a great day together. Sargie and Macrea left early in the morning. Grady looked at Grandpa. I looked at Grady. It was time to get the day started on Pentoga Road.

My long-time friend, Eileen, sent this yesterday. I taught with Eileen and her husband, "Uncle Bert," for many years in northern Maine.
Peanut butter on toast with raisins and a sippy cup of milk. Life doesn't get much better.
Before play comes school. In this case, the Alphabet Song.
Breakfast and book learnin' complete, it was time to head outside and do man-stuff.

Grady insisted he could plow the drive by himself. It's a good thing I didn't listen.
Because after five minutes, he leaned forward and fell sound asleep, his head resting on the gas tank.

Then there was firewood to haul.

I pulled an old pair of my socks over his mittens to keep them from falling off.

It was time to check the mail after unloading the wood. What better way than in a wheel barrow?

The mandatory sleigh ride to the back of the property. If I walked too slow, I heard, "Papa, GO!"
With work done, it was time to play. Brutus and Grady were BFF's and inseparable. If Grady falls, Brutus immediately sits down beside him and won't move until Grady is once again mobile. Where Grady goes, so does Brutus.

After spending no small amount of time outdoors, once in the morning and again in the afternoon, it was time to call it day. Grady took a two hour nap in between, a time that Grandpa thoroughly appreciated. Being a grandpa's not for sissies!

Any parent who raised children in the north country knows the smell of drying clothes, either placed on radiators, registers, or along wood stoves. Yesterday brought back a lot of memories. As soon as Grady's clothes were dried from our first outing, we were dressed and outside again.

Macrea arrived around 6:30 following a day filled with meetings. We had supper and after lots of hugs and kisses from Grady, the boys were off to Iron Mountain. Sargie arrived home around 8.  It was a short evening and wasn't long before we were heading upstairs to bed. I'm not sure who was more tired, Grandma Sargie after a long, hard, day of work, or Grandpa after a long, hard, day, of play.

"... so here's the deal. I'll divert his attention by pooping my pants while you make your escape. We'll meet later in the kitchen."
Today's going to be a quiet one on Pentoga Road. Sargie opens the Vision Center. I think I'll walk my three miles then either work in the shop or head to one of the area lakes for a few hours of ice fishing.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Plowing, shoveling, hauling wood, riding in the sleigh, checking the mail, playing in the snow. Sometimes a guy has to catch a snooze when he can..  sitting straight up and sound asleep. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Andy sent a picture of Ivy modeling her new bibs
January 26, 2016 - Tuesday
28 degrees/mist - light snow/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I'm trying to get this written and uploaded while things are still quiet. I'm fearful that I'm in a losing battle.

The phone rang late yesterday afternoon. It was Macrea saying he was going to work in Iron River on Tuesday and thought maybe Grandma and Grandpa might like a visit from Grady. Since Grandma's working, I told him I'd be happy to hang out with the little guy. We agreed not to say anything to Sargie and let it be a surprise.

Sargie and I had just finished eating supper last night when who came a'calling? Mr. Grady. 

Page Two

After completing my usual walk on Monday morning, I fiddled around with the ice fishing sled to the point where I could mount the Clam on top. It all worked out really well and I can now easily pull all my ice fishing equipment, the Clam and power auger included at one time. It's an ice fisherman's equivalent to one-stop shopping.

I wanted to try out the sled/Clam combination so headed to the lake for the day.

Fishing was good... if all a person wanted to catch were four-inch bluegills. After two hours of bringing munchkin-sized fish through the hole, I moved to a new area and was rewarded with catching one small bluegill over the next hour. It was time to quit and come home.

The afternoon was spent fiddling around. The security light needed to be adjusted and fire wood hauled inside. I enjoyed a power nap and managed to get all the floors swept before Sargie arrived home.

The evening was spent talking with Macrea and playing with Grady.

We hastily erected a barrier to separate Brutus from Grady and neither can understand why they can't play with each other. When Grady grows another foot taller, they can run, wrestle, and romp, all they want.

Sargie closes tonight. Macrea will be working in town, so it'll be just Grady and me. I think we'll stay inside this morning, then later, we'll head outside and plow the drive, take a four wheeler ride, and hey, maybe throw in a sippy cup of milk and party hardy! It's just the way we roll.

Unhappy at being separated from Grady, Brutus went to the furthest corner and remained behind the rocking chair.
After all, two guys' work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Who? Me?

Monday, January 25, 2016

The security light was replaced Sunday morning
January 25, 2016 - Monday
23 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

I forgot to switch on the electric fireplace last night before going to bed, the one that generally runs during the night and keeps the core of the house somewhat warm after the fire dies down in the wood stove. Despite having no auxiliary heat, the inside temperatures were still very comfortable this morning. Though we had a week or two of cold weather, January came in like a lamb and at least so far, appears it's going to exit the same.

Page Two

The old security light on the barn quit working a couple of months ago. Very inexpensive, I never was happy with it and often lamented that I didn't spend more and get a better one.

When we purchased a new light on Friday, I was eager to get it installed, something that is difficult to do this time of year. Working barehanded with metal makes for a miserable existence, even when the thermometer is showing a relatively balmy 19 degrees.

The first problem was securing the ladder over a sheet of black ice that had formed due to a freezing mist that had fallen during the night. A few ashes from the wood stove solved that problem.

Then there was working without gloves, having to strip wire, and to do everything else barehanded while perched on a ladder in heavy clothes fifteen feet over the ground.

In the end, the fixture was wired and mounted and we now have a bright light that shines on demand. Job done!

The rest of the afternoon was spent attempting to remake the box on the four wheeler so the Clam ice fishing tent would fit. A satisfactory solution was never found and I ended up taking the skis off the Clam. I think it will ride, upside down, on the other sled I recently built (with both fitting in back of the Blazer) and without the skis, will ride in the box on the four wheeler.

Since I had gone to all that trouble and work, I decided to go fishing. It was nice to load everything and putt down the road on the ATV, out onto the lake, and be fishing within minutes.

Unfortunately, the fish didn't cooperate. I'm not sure what's wrong with our local lake this year, but no one has caught anything to speak of.

I quit after a couple of hours and came back home to watch the NFL playoff games. Since the Packers are out of playoff contention, I really don't care who wins.

Sargie was home early from work and we enjoyed a nice evening. She's back at the Vision Center early this morning. I think I'll complete my walk then take the rest of the day as it comes. Fishing? Maybe. Working in the shop? A possibility. 

It's tough, but then as we all know, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

October 27, 2021 – Wednesday afternoon Iron River Hospital So I've been lying here in bed thinking... just thinking. Other than cough a...