Saturday, June 30, 2018

June 30, 2018 - Saturday evening
87 degrees/clear skies/breezy
Oglesby, Illnois

After driving for almost fourteen hours today, Sargie and I have landed in Oglesby on our way back north.

We left Pentoga Road early this morning and made great time traveling to Indiana, pulling into Mom's senior community around 3:30 PM Central Time. Several stops were made along the way and though traffic was heavy, progress was steady.

After getting Mom settled in, Sargie and I decided that we'd head as far north as possible so Sunday's drive would be a bit easier. After another three and a half hours of travel, we decided to get a hotel room before they were all booked for the night. It's a good thing we did as our's was the last available at the local Day's Inn.

I just checked in with Mom on the phone. She said she'd already played BINGO tonight and was ready to settle in for the evening. Ain't no grass gonna grow under my mama's feet.

We'll leave here in the morning and head north, then east, winding our way towards Pentoga Road. Sargie would like to do a bit of shopping along the way and since she doesn't have to work for several days, it makes no difference when we arrive home. I told her I certainly didn't care as long as I can sleep in our bed Sunday night.

I just received a text from Yooper Brother Mark who said it's really storming up home. I'm not surprised.  All this heat and humidity has been building for several days and has to be released somewhere. 

It's time to snuggle under the sheets and think about how well I'm going to sleep tonight.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Bye Mom. We'll see you at Christmas!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Mom got to see a bear, up close and personal, today
June 29, 2018 - Friday evening
82 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It's hot. No, it's really hot. The air conditioner has been running all out today and has kept the house comfortable. Outside is a different story.

I don't have time to write. It's almost 10 PM and we'll be leaving in a few hours to take Mom back to Indiana. Consequently, there'll be no story tonight. You'll have to create your own to go along with the pictures.

I doubt I'll get a chance to write before Sunday evening, possibly Monday. We're planning to leave around 5 AM Saturday morning headed south. Right now, our plan is to see Mom to her apartment then turn around and drive partway back.

It's going to be a long slog... a holiday weekend, vacations, tourists, construction, with a mention of severe storms along the way.

Are we surprised? Not me.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Luke and Coleman on a 17 mile hike over three days in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
June 28, 2018 - Thursday
72 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Today's been a warm and humid one. After arriving home this morning from walking four and a half miles, I broke down and installed the window air conditioner. It's been a couple of years since we've used it, but today was well worth the effort. Friday and Saturday are forecast to be even hotter and more humid.

Luke sent some great pictures from his and Coleman's mini vacation and hike in the White Mountains.

I'm proud of my four sons. All are active with their babies and spend lots of family time outdoors. 

I'm especially proud of Coleman for hiking seventeen miles of tough trail. Most sixth graders wouldn't bother to expend that much effort, let alone with their fathers.

The water is eight feet deep, though it's so clear it doesn't look over six inches.

Thursday was a busy one on Pentoga Road. 

Home from my usual walk, Mom and I went to Crystal Falls to pick up one of her prescriptions.

The rest of the morning was spent cleaning the house from top to bottom. I later went to the shop where I finished the letters for the sign. Mom kept me company and we spent a couple of quality mother/son hours together.

Mom and I both hibernated in front of the air conditioner after. I later made my way outside and trimmed the lawn using the push mower. 

Ever feel like you're being watched?
FINALLY! The UPS man backed into the drive and with him came the new motor for the lathe.

I was going to wait until Friday morning to begin installing the motor, but I simply couldn't wait. With Mom reading a book, I grabbed the box and sneaked out to the shop.

There was one problem. The motor is almost twice as big as the old one and naturally, the holes from the lathe didn't line up with those of the motor. It was time to fabricate.

The motor fit... barely. It is much larger than what came with the lathe.

I mounted a hickory blank and flipped the switch.

It felt like a Ferrari engine had been mounted in a Volkswagen Beetle. I couldn't be happier.

Though I'll still be limited to the size of of bowls which can be turned, power shouldn't be a problem.

Sargie had said earlier that she wouldn't mind hopping on the tractor and mowing the lawn when she got home from work. After being stuck inside all day, she was eager to spend time outdoors. I was happy to oblige.

Sargie had to glance at the evening paper first
Sargie opens in the morning. I'll go for my usual walk then I want to spend some time in front of the lathe. It's been a long time since I've turned anything and no doubt, I'll be rusty.

I took a large pork loin out of the freezer this morning to thaw in preparation for smoking it tomorrow. 

Yooper Brother Mark, Sheri, Sarah, and Isabella are coming over for supper tomorrow night. Bluegill filets and smoked loin are on the menu. Mmmm.

All good things come to an end. We'll be leaving early Saturday morning for Indiana to take Mom back home. I'm not sure where this past week and a half has gone.

It's time for bed. Mom and Sargie are headed up the stairs and I'm not far behind them.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 27, 2018 - Wednesday
72 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Today marked a milestone. Approximately a year ago, I began the mental and physical preparations for surrendering my driver's license. With my vision registering 20/200, legally blind, it was time to quit driving.

Most know the story, a year of near infrared treatments for the advanced dry macular degeneration that had settled into both my eyes. I've noticed a great improvement, but had yet to be formally examined. 

Today was the day of reckoning.

I settled into the doctor's chair, nervous and fearful that the improvement had been between my ears, not in my eyes. Occasionally a person's mind tells him one thing, but the facts point to something different.

The doctor began.

"Better or worse? One or two? Tell me when the squares are perfectly aligned."

"Unbelievable," I heard him whisper.

"Let's dilate them."

To make a long story short, other than a slight shadow somewhere in the back of my eyes, all signs of macular degeneration have disappeared. We compared a photograph of the interior of my eyes taken in 2011. The diseased macula were prevalent and the degeneration advanced. 

Today, they're healthy. 

The unheard of has happened. My macular degeneration has completely reversed. 

Sight? Mine registered 20/15 today corrected, better than perfect.

With tearful eyes, I exited the office filled with wonder and gratitude. Thank you to the doctors and scientists who keep searching for a cure to this horrible disease. Thank you for allowing me to be a lab rat. I had nothing to lose and you gave me everything.

Most of all, I'm grateful to God. Without Him, none of this would be possible. His grace is overwhelming and I thank you, Lord.

I walked 4.5 miles this morning. It seems everything is blooming or bearing fruit. 

Wednesday afternoon was spent in the shop painting the letters that were sawed several weeks ago.

Mom and I visited all afternoon and the hours flew by as I painted.

The letters will be outlined in black tomorrow and after, I'll begin to concentrate on mounting them on the background.

Touring the garden this evening, I was thrilled to see the cantaloupe are beginning to bloom. Could this be the year? 

Our growing seasons are generally too short for growing melons, but with May's above average temperatures, I started the long season crops several weeks earlier than usual. So far so good.

Sargie opens the Vision Center tomorrow. I'm going for my usual walk then return to the shop to finish the letters. After? Well, I'll leave that up to Mom. 

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Happy 91st Birthday, Mom!
June 26, 2018 - Tuesday evening
Mom's Birthday
66 degrees/rain/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It's been a quiet day on Pentoga Road. Sargie and I both enjoyed hanging out with Mom, talking, gabbing, and of course, going to town for the daily Coke.

I began the day in the dentist's chair where Eric and Betsy installed a new crown on one of my back molars and filled a small cavity. As usual I walked out laughing and in a better mood than when I entered. Thanks folks.

Later in the morning we drove to town and picked up the Equinox from Mechanic Dave's. All that's required to deliver Mom back to Indiana is fuel in the tank. 

The afternoon arrived and it was time to celebrate Mom's special day. What better way than going out for her birthday meal. 

We wisely chose the Curious Pig in Crystal Falls, Michigan.

The Curious Pig specializes in smoked cuisine. Talk about good. Mom and Sargie enjoyed sandwiches that featured pulled pork, bacon, and macaroni and cheese, among other goodies.

I thoroughly enjoyed a full rack of smoked ribs along with cole slaw and macaroni and cheese.

The ribs were the best I've ever tasted. Mom and Sargie said their sandwiches were superb. 

What? Do I have something on my face?
 Jillian was our waitress. What a sweetheart.

Following our meal, Jillian brought a plate with two cream puffs topped by a lit candle and led us in singing Happy Birthday to Mom.

Mom claims her lung capacity has greatly diminished over the past several years, but you couldn't have proven it Monday afternoon. 

Scion and Pam opened the Curious Pig earlier this spring. Their restaurant, a former home on US 2 in Crystal Falls, is absolutely beautiful.

I'm not a culinary expert or critic, but for delicious and reasonable eating with a different twist, I give the Curious Pig two thumbs up. Sargie and I will be going back.

We took a short drive through Crystal Falls. One of the most impressive places is the entrance to the cemetery where American flags line the length along the highway.

Back on Pentoga Road, I picked a few strawberries and fed the goldfish. We'll get a few berries this year, not many, but wait until next year!

The skies grew dark and before long, the rain came down by the bucket's full.

The last I looked, we'd received half an inch. Showers are forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning. A good shower is welcome. I just hope a frog strangler isn't in our future.

Time came for Mom's birthday party. We had a good time watching her open gifts.

The puppy's belly goes up and down as he sleeps.

We ended the party by singing Happy Birthday to Mom and eating an ice cream birthday cake.

Again, Happy Birthday, Mom. We love you!

Sargie opens the Vision Center on Wednesday. With the weather predicted to be cool and rainy, I think I'll spend some of the day in the shop. Otherwise, Mom and I will do what we do best, hang out, talk, and laugh.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

October 27, 2021 – Wednesday afternoon Iron River Hospital So I've been lying here in bed thinking... just thinking. Other than cough a...