Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sargie's getting ready go to work on Wednesday morning
April 7, 2016 - Thursday
29 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

We had such a perfect winter. Why does Mother Nature have to mess it up now? I'm unsure how much snow we've received over the past three days as it's wet and heavy. This isn't the fun, fluffy, stuff that Christmas is made from. It's the wet glop that makes old retired guys who try to keep their drives clean mutter and swear. 

I rode partway with Sargie yesterday morning and walked home. The roads were slick and it felt as though I was shuffling through a mud puddle. Even in four-wheel drive, Sargie said it wasn't a pleasant drive to work.

Other than running in and out of the house doing laundry, I worked in the shop all day and finished the second side panel of the garden arbor.

I finally figured out a jig/pattern so that I didn't need to continually use the tape measure. That helped the eyes a lot. Still, it was almost six thirty before I came in the house for the day.

Sargie had to close last night and wasn't home until late. So far, the rash from her shingles seems to be confined to her left side. She dutifully takes her medicine and applies zinc salve.

Sargie's not one to complain and is taking the pain much better than I would. I've developed a scale based on her responses so I know how she truly feels:

1) simply hurts: "It's okay."
2) really hurts: "It's a bit sore."
3) crippling: "It hurts some."
4) fatal to the average person: "Think I'll lay down."

Thankfully, Sargie's off today. I need to transplant some petunias into six packs and sow the tomato and pepper seeds. I was hoping to be able to do all that in the garden greenhouse this year, but it's not to warm up until well into next week. Looks as though it will be a kitchen sink operation.

No doubt, we'll make our usual day-off trip into town and depending on the roads, might take a short drive. Other than that, we have no plans.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

This would have a been a pretty picture last Christmas. I can't say I'm seeing the beauty in April. 

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