Friday, April 8, 2016

Son, Matt, with perch caught in the St. John River in northern Maine where we lived many many years ago.
April 8, 2016 - Friday
25 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

And catch perch we did. The sons and I used to go fishing in the St. John River almost daily during the summer months. Seldom did we come home without out full stringers and two pound perch were common. When a person catches a two pound perch in the UP, it's an event. 

I moved from northern Maine to Alaska where even bigger fish are caught. Problem is, where does one go from there? Why, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, that's where! 

Page Two:

For the umpteenth day in a row, we're under a winter weather advisory. The snow was to begin at 4 AM, but so far, three hours later, it's managed to stay away. Hopefully, it will miss us completely.

Thursday was a slow one around here. My only real accomplishment was to put vegetable seeds between damp paper towels.

The paper towels were folded, placed in sealed baggies, and laid in the indoor greenhouses to germinate. I'll plant the sprouts in potting soil in a few days.

Shopping on the internet a month ago, Sargie bought me an LED lamp to use in the shop. It's battery powered and is very bright. Best of all, it's portable and with the weighted base, I can place it to shine directly on my work.

The lamp came in yesterday's mail and when I looked at the mailing label, I knew I wasn't in Kansas (or Maine, or Alaska) anymore. It was shipped directly from China. The world's rapidly becoming a much smaller place.

Other than a quick trip to town for groceries, that was our day.

Sargie's back to work today and I have a some tests with Life Screening, a medical company that occasionally comes to the area and for a nominal fee, administers tests for blood clots, arterial plaque, and all those things that cause strokes. My Uncle Bugsy had one and Grandpa Pennington died of an embolism. Sargie's been after me for several years to be screened, so to preserve peace and tranquility in the family, I figured I'd bite the bullet. There are five different tests taking an hour and a half. 

So with that said, I need to get going. Home Depot's having their big yearly sale and I want to purchase more landscape timbers and treated dog ear fence. Seems I use a lot of both around here.

Whoops, no time for deep thoughts today. After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Made in China. You think?

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