Sisters Sargie, Trish, Nancy
Taken Saturday afternoon at the annual Veteran's 5K
August 22, 2021 - Sunday morning
51 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
Though not a drop of rain fell yesterday, the cold front that came through ushered in much dryer and somewhat cooler air. It wasn't long before I was rummaging through the closet to find a flannel shirt earlier this morning.
I awakened early Saturday morning to a wildlife park in our yard. In front were several deer, all happy to make themselves at home.
In the side yard was a pride of wild turkeys.
And finally, on the road in front of the house lay evidence that a bear had wandered through during the nighttime hours.
Home from my walk, I made a tour of the garden and found a few white carrots and beets ready to harvest. Those, along with zucchini and cucumbers, are making this year's harvest a good one.
As many already know, there's nothing traditional about either Sargie or me. We enjoy the white carrots sliced lengthways and fried.
It doesn't take an Einstein to guess what we enjoyed for part of yesterday's brunch.
I wanted to bring in the last of this year's firewood. With Sargie's help, we worked it up and stacked it undercover.
I say it's the last of the firewood, but I did find another dead maple tree that, no doubt, will be sawn and brought in to be burned this winter.
The wood finished, we were soon off to Pat and Debbie's for their annual Military Tribute fund raiser 5K.
Race hostess, sister-in-law, Debbie, explained about the day's events. Though it was a fun run/walk to raise money, we were quickly reminded of all that our Armed Forces and veterans, past and present, have sacrificed for our great nation.
The opening ceremonies began with Johnny Cash's, Ragged Old Flag, followed by The Star Spangled Banner.
A loud round of applause sounded after. Sargie and sister-in-law, Nancy, left to man the water/rest station partway through the course that stretched up one side of Milligan Mountain.
As is usually the case, there are far too many pictures on which to comment, so I'll simply upload a few. I took multiple videos, but our internet connection is too slow to post any.
The course went through the nearby cemetery where several of the Milligans are buried. When God's ready to call us home, it will be Sargie's and my final resting place.
With a goodly amount of money raised and the final ceremonies finished, everyone enjoyed a good old fashioned supper of hot dogs, brats, sausage, sauerkraut, and other goodies too numerous to mention.
It was bedtime before we arrived home last night. Our bellies were full and we were filled with happy memories of our time with family and friends. It wasn't long before Sargie and I were snuggled under the blankets, falling into a deep slumber.
Cheered on by niece, Lisa, it was Sargie across the finish line.
You can watch for her in the next Olympics.
Today's cooler and less humid than those of the past week. I may cut up that last maple tree I found in the woods yesterday and haul it in, or, I may not.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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