Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 18, 2021 - Wednesday morning
56 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Woods and baby. Woods and baby. Woods and baby. 

There, that about sums up yesterday's activities.

Don't think I'm complaining, I'm not. Other than hiking and gardening, working with wood, either to be used for heat or crafting something or the other in the shop, it makes no difference. I love handling wood.

And the baby? You look at the pictures of Cheeks and tell me how anyone wouldn't love hanging out with the most beautiful baby on Pentoga Road. 

As I age and the more I am with our grandbabies in the Midwest, I've come to realize how much I've missed by not living close to the other nine on the East Coast. It's the miles, lots and lots of miles. They're busy, we're getting older, and time waits for no one. 

I just hope they know how much I love them. 

It appears Grandma Sargie took most of the pictures yesterday and I didn't get any of her. Though it appears Cheeks was with me throughout the day, that's not necessarily the case. She and Grandma Sargie were pretty much glued at the hip, no pun intended.

I did load Cheeks into the stroller bright and early Tuesday morning. Taking off for an hour long walk to Pentoga Village together ensured Sargie could take a leisurely shower.

The girl baby and I talked for all of fifty yards or so before she became eerily quiet. I stopped the stroller and walked to the front. 

Just as I thought.

Some company she was as she slept the entire four miles. 

I was happy that I could push the stroller up and down the two large hills between here and Pentoga Village without stopping. In fact, total time spent walking was about the same as when I'm not pushing a stroller and baby in front of me.

We made a quick dash to town later in the morning to retrieve my large power saw along with three professionally sharpened, but very used, chains. I should be good to go for the rest of the cutting season.

After hauling in a load a wood, I managed to get it split and stacked before the daytime temperatures got too hot.

The rest of the day was spent indoors or somewhere out of the sun. 

Macrea called later in the afternoon saying he'd worked out a strategy for the next two weeks regarding daycare. Cheeks was off to her aunt's last night for a day or two then somewhere else after that. I do know we'll meet again next Sunday evening when we'll have her again for a couple of days at the beginning of next week. 


I ordered my new pack yesterday. Thanks Andy! It's to arrive on Friday and no doubt, I'll be taking it for a test drive shortly thereafter.

It's getting to be daylight. I've fed the hummingbirds and only have this to edit before heading out the door for my morning walk... without a stroller.

I hope to get the second to the last tree cut into pieces this morning before it gets too hot. With only two more hard maples left, I should soon be finished processing this coming winter's firewood in the next few days.

With a high of 87 forecast for today, I imagine Sargie and I will lay low this afternoon until the cooler air of evening moves in.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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