Hanna and Joe
May 9, 2021 - Sunday morning
Mothers Day
28 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
Happy Mother's Day goes out to all moms, everywhere, especially to mine. Though Mama is no longer with us, I feel her presence and love daily. For that, I'm eternally grateful.
I miss you Mom. Happy Mother's Day and hey, let Dad spoil you a bit today, eh? (As if he doesn't every day!)
And then there's my Sargie. The love she shows for her four sons is the best example I've ever seen of a mother's love for her children. It's deep and unending and one of the million reasons why I love Sargie so much. Happy Mother's Day to you, sweetheart. I love you.
Speaking of mothers, our young resident mom of triplets seems to be doing great with her brood.
Finding the remnants of an old watermelon I pitched into the woods several days ago, she's obviously teaching her kiddies the finer aspects of Pentoga Road gourmet dining. I'd expect no less as we run a classy place here.
Yesterday was a lazy one. Sadie and I played multiple games of fetch and it seems Sargie and I just fiddled around doing one thing or the other, but nothing of any significance.
We were happy when Hanna and Joe stopped by mid afternoon for a visit and enjoyed their company a great deal. From downstate Wisconsin, Joe and Hanna have a camp close by on the Brule River and are regular readers of the blog.
Hanna and I have something in common. We're backpackers.
Hanna's getting ready to section hike the Bob Marshall trail through the wilds of Montana later this summer... alone. The trail is not for the novice hiker and is often difficult and challenging. In other word's, Hanna's the real thing.
Other than general gabbing, our conversation soon turned to hiking, pack weights, weather, etc. I showed the folks my loaded pack and what fifteen pounds feels like when carrying it on one's back. Hanna said her loaded pack will weigh in excess of thirty five pounds. Almost twenty years my junior, she can carry that much. Me? Fifteen to twenty pounds is my limit for a long distance stroll from Georgia to Maine.
Bidding the folks goodbye and with a promise they'd visit in the future, Sargie, Sadie, and I, headed to Crystal Falls in search of tennis balls. Sadie'd lost the last one left over from the Brutus days and needed something to chase when we play fetch.
While in Crystal Falls, we ordered a take out pizza, purchased the balls, and later, had a quiet evening.
Riding around and waiting for our pizza, these pups and Sadie made eye contact. We sped away as I didn't need Cujo attacking our car.
Today belongs to Sargie and I'll let her call the shots. Mother's Day only comes once a year so we'll do whatever her heart desires. Normally, we'd take a drive to Rhinelander, Escanaba, Green Bay, or some other distant town, but I have an 8 AM appointment for my monthly eyeball shot in Rhinelander early Monday morning. We'll be leaving the house around 6 AM.
Sargie says my attitude becomes "short" a day or two before my monthly injection. I try hard not to be that way, but she's probably right. It's hard not to think about. So today there'll be no shortness of anything today, unless it's shortness of breath while I take my morning stroll up and down the towering peaks of Pentoga Road.
Time to go for my morning walk.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Hanna's trying on my backpack. I think if I'd have said, "let's go," she have gladly fastened the straps and started hiking for places unknown.
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