Saturday, May 8, 2021

Attacked by Sadie, Wild Dog of the North
We wrestle and she makes me laugh so hard that I can barely move. 

May 8, 2021 - Saturday morning
27 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Macrea called yesterday morning and inquired if we'd care for Sadie this weekend. Earlier, he'd asked if Grandma Sargie and I wanted to go with to Green Bay and points beyond to help celebrate Hambone's birthday. They'll stay in a hotel for a couple of nights, play in the pool, and spend no small amount of time at a Chuckie Cheese type place playing arcade games.

Never really committing, we opted to care for the pup. Try as I may, I couldn't get too excited over the thought of combining an overly active seven year old boy along with a crying three month old, plus the thrills and spills of a kiddie arcade.

There's a reason why God made parents young.

We left for Iron Mountain after my walk Friday morning. The weather was raw and nasty and looked downright threatening.

The clouds couldn't hold back any longer. We drove through periods of heavy rain and sleet mixed with a few minutes of bright sunshine the entire trip. It was typical UP springtime weather.

Sargie waited in the car while I went through all the Check Point Charlie Covid rigamarole to gain entrance to the hospital so I could have my blood drawn. Coming in from outside, my glasses were so fogged up from wearing that silly mask that when asked if I'd been to a foreign country by one of two lady guards sitting side by side, I found I was talking to the wrong person.

Such is life in these stalag Covid days.

The blood sucker armed with a needle wasn't very nice. What really upset me was that, once finished, she didn't have any Winnie the Pooh bandaids. Reminding her that I'd been good and didn't scream or cry, I inquired what other kind she had. Ms Mean looked at me like I was crazy before slapping a typical big boy bandaid on my arm. 

Some blood suckers have no sense of humor at all, but then what do you expect? What happy, normal, sane, person aspires to become a blood sucker when she grows up?

We made a quick stop at Home Depot where I purchased multiple blacktop repair products to begin filling the cracks in our drive. This spring's series of frost heaves did some damage. 

After came a burger and fries. Having to fast, I'd not eaten since Thursday night's supper and it was almost noon. We took our drive-thru goodies to the local cemetery, parked by Aunt Kate, and watched the deer graze over the graves of someone else's dearly departed.

Sadie was picked up on our way out of town. The pup seemed more than happy to quietly sit on the back seat and watch the miles roll by.

It was well into the afternoon by the time we arrived back on Pentoga Road. Sadie and I passed the time by occasionally sneaking out between rain/sleet storms to play fetch. 

It takes about twenty minutes of hard playing before she's ready to come back inside and sleep at my feet.

Today looks to be somewhat chilly, but sunny. Hopefully, the wind remains calm. I have one more raised bed to make in the garden and I'd like to begin working up the maple trees that I cut down several weeks ago.

No doubt I'll work on editing a practice video, one you'll never see. I've received some feedback on yesterday's regarding adding music. Canned background music is pretty much a no no and me singing is DEFINITELY out, although I was told that occasionally whistling might be somewhat tolerable. 

I'm no singer, never have been, and would never put it on a serious video. I was simply filling space to practice editing. If you're reading this, you're family and sometimes family has to take the bad with the good, including any singing in my practice videos. 

My problem is that I have the insatiable urge to make jokes and try to entertain when there's a nearby camera. I must get that from Dad who was a clown for many years and delighted in entertaining at hospitals, nursing homes, and in parades.

Hmm, just a thought here. Too bad I can't take a tuba with on the trail next year. I was a fairly decent tuba'ist fifty years ago and could umpah my way to Maine. Maybe Pokealong would sing with and we'd become a famous music duo.

Okay, enough foolishness. Time to move along. Yooper Brother Mark will be out after bit for our weekly Saturday morning stroll.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

 What can I say? She loves me.

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