The Salmon Trout River
Redridge, Michigan
April 24, 2021 - Saturday morning
42 degrees/light rain/calm winds
Pentoga Road
How did we end up at sister-in-law, Debbie's family camp on the shores of Lake Superior ?
Sargie and I are loose canons, what can I say?
I was up way too early Friday morning. With the blog already written, I took the opportunity to work in the shop while waiting for Yooper Brother Mark to arrive for our usual Friday morning walk.
I've came to the conclusion Friday morning that I have a real sickness. I'm a wood hoarder, spelled with an "h", not a "w." Well, maybe with a "w," but let's stick with the "h".
To make room for the new workbench, one corner of the shop had to be cleared of wood scraps, those that I have deemed too good to throw away, but not really useful for anything other than craft projects. A few pieces of "interesting" wood were mixed in, that which may someday become small bowls or other fairly worthless pieces of Pentoga art.
Trip after trip was made to the kindling box with armful's of lumber that was once deemed too valuable to throw away. In the end, only a small wooden box of odds and ends remained.I began to tackle the piles and stacks of larger dimensional lumber, stuff that isn't building grade, but far too good to burn.
I've come to the conclusion that there is only one solution. We need to win the lottery so I can not only build a larger shop, but also a big building in which to keep all my odds and ends of wood.
Back in the shop, the corner was eventually cleaned, swept, and made ready for the new workbench.
Yooper Brother Mark arrived and we had a wonderful walk catching up on their vacation and the happenings in each other's lives.
The biggest news?
Sheri and Yooper Brother Mark are going to have a new addition to their family. Isabella called and announced she was going to be a big sister. Mark's first reply was, "What? You're going to get a puppy?"
Yep, it appears Sarah and Curtis are adding to their family. Due date and all the particulars will come after the initial doctor's visit next week.
Sargie and I were on our way to the hardware store when the phone rang. It was Macrea asking if we'd like to have Cheeks for the day. Mel's maternity leave expires on Monday and Macrea had taken a vacation day to spend with her.
We did our business then drove halfway to Iron Mountain to get the baby. As soon as we'd stepped from the car, both asked if we'd like to go for a long drive with them to Houghton, an hour and a half north and onto the shores of Lake Superior.
The drawbridge in Houghton I initially hesitated as we'd left the house wide open, the shop unattended, and I was dressed in old work clothes. I looked at Sargie and her eyes sparkled. A day with the kids AND Cheeks?
Sure, why not. Like I said, stand back, we're a couple of loose canons.
We had a ball as we laughed and gabbed while driving north.
A US Coast Guard buoy tender in dock
Our first stop was at a very old restaurant/lounge with a long history dating back to pre prohibition. Everyone had pizza but me. I enjoyed a huge Rueben sandwich and chips. Cheeks enjoyed entertaining Grandma Sargie and any other interested party.
We walked a bit and stopped at a very nice brewery. Mel and Macrea wanted to sample the IPA "Redridge," named for the community not for from Houghton where Debbie's family camp is located.
Tired from her active party life, Cheeks fell asleep while looking around from Grandma Sargie's arms.
We made our way to the old mining community of Redridge, now a ghost town. The Covered Road was beautiful, a long dirt path with hardwood maples growing alongside.
The following pictures best describe the beauty, pure raw nature, that can be difficult to look at. High water, strong storms, and erosion, has caused the family camp to be put in peril. It's just a matter of time before it tumbles into the lake.
It was late afternoon before we bade Redridge farewell and after a quick stop in neighboring Houghton for ice cream, made our way home. The clock was showing half past 8 as we arrived back at our car where we'd initially met Mel and Macrea.
Sargie's heading to a family gathering in Felch later this morning. Opting to let her fly solo, I'm going to continue work in the shop. Rain and snow are in the forecast and it'll be the perfect time for a large indoor project.
Mechanic Dan called yesterday and asked that I call him back concerning the engine for the backhoe. I'm not feeling too optimistic. He's either had to order parts or will tell me it's not worth the cost to repair.
Yooper Brother Mark will be here soon for our Saturday morning walk. Time to wrap this up and get the day started.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
Macrea's climbing one of the eroded banks along Lake Superior
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