Saturday, January 2, 2021

Welcome to the world, Meridee Joy!

January 2, 2021 - Saturday morning
16 degrees/partly cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Look who came into Katie (my health care provider) and Ryan's life on December 17th. I'm told Meridee is doing well and Katie said yesterday that the baby celebrated the new year by staying up all New Year's Eve drinking.

I guess I can forgive Katie for not being in the doctor's office these past few months. No doubt, Meridee, along with her two older brothers, will be keeping Mama busy for some time to come.

Speaking of little darlings, check out Makenna's New Year picture.

The last I heard, at seven months of age, our little peanut is up to eleven pounds and doing well.

As has become the usual routine, yesterday began with my daily walk to Pentoga and back. I was a bit bothered with a pain in my right knee. Initially, it began in both knees, but the left decided to shape up and fly right. The right is still aching a bit.

I don't believe there's a tear or rip of the meniscus as happened before with the left knee. It's not severe, just an ache. This feels more like the dreaded.. arthritis.  

Oh well, I'm going to hike the AT, I don't care if I have to crawl. I've waited over fifty years and ain't nuthin' short of death gonna stop me now.

Sargie and I made our usual trip to town. It was a beautiful day and we drove through the "burbs," the old Mineral Hills Mine section north of town before coming back home.

After doing a few household things, I kissed Sargie goodbye and left for the lake.

I buzzed down the road and out onto the ice, past a grandpa who had his five grandchildren fishing on the lake with him. Well, it was more like they were skating, tackling each other in the snow, and running around having a good time. 

What? Children playing outdoors in the snow, having fun, without a digital device of any type nearby?

I'm surprised Grandpa wasn't reported for child abuse.

Fishing was slow. I tried various baits and different teeny lures at various depths. Small bluegills and perch showed interest, but the big ones would swim to the bait and remain suspended for a few seconds before swimming off.

Watching them on the sonar was frustrating. They were down there in 25 feet of water, but nothing would cause them to strike.

It was nearing dark and having a case of the shivers, I gathered my gear and left for home. 

Last night was literally a sleeper. I dozed off in my chair until bedtime before making my way up the steps. I tend to quickly grow bored watching tv so I find something or the other to read on my computer. Usually, it's about hiking or woodworking. My eyes grow weary from the effort of trying to focus and in protest, insist on closing. 

After that, it's lights out.

Sargie's boys are to come and celebrate a late Christmas around noon. I know there's a package or two under the dining room tree with Hambone's name on them. After that, our Christmas will officially be over for the year. 


I'm about to get political here, but no one's begging you to read this, so if you don't agree with what I'm about to say then click that little X up in the corner of your screen and I'll be gone. Tomorrow won't be political so you can safely come back when your senses won't be assaulted or feelings hurt.

I'm not sorry to see 2020 end. Between the Covid and insane politics of cheating, rioting, attacks on those who still believe in the Constitution, and politicians on both sides who act as though they don't have a brain in the world, I'm ready to move on into 2021. Problem is, the politicians are moving on with us.

In their infinite wisdom, those in charge have managed to politicize the virus to the point that no one knows what to believe. Sargie and I certainly don't. 

The annual cases of flu and pneumonia have, by and large, disappeared as the Covid has spread. Even state departments of health are coming under fire for declaring auto accidents, cancer, and other maladies as Covid. Why? Follow the money and power trail.

Speaking of money, it's now handed out like so many sheets of cheap toilet paper in a public restroom (and buys about as much.) We've become a nation of "gimmies," people who'd rather collect unemployment than work.

We're offended because the government will only hand us $600 rather than $2,000, yet, I see help wanted signs hanging out all over the place. If you need a job, go see Yooper Brother Mark. He's always looking for those who really want to work.

We heard from one honor student, a senior in our local high school whom we know fairly well, that 70% of her class is failing. Distance learning in the name of Covid isn't the answer to education. 

The dumbing down of America continues.

If some politicians have their way, our children, regardless of age, will be able to decide what gender they want to be and choose whatever public restroom they want to use. What?

I just read where some Congress people have introduced a bill outlawing religion as it infringes on other's rights.  

Now a bill has been introduced that the words, mother, father, son, and daughter, can no longer be used. Passage is in question, but still, it's under consideration. 

First you want to take away my God, now Mom and Dad? Come to Pentoga Road and see how far that gets you.

Like many others, Sargie and I have cancelled our plans to travel this past year. If it's not from the virus, then it's because we're told there are those who will vandalize a car with out of state license plates. Covid has nothing to do with it. Encouraged vandalism is backed by many of our politicians in the name of peaceful protest. 

I've witnessed families and friendships being ripped apart due to all the above madness. The ability to use common sense has evidently been stripped from our original American spirit. Patriotism is bad. Those damn Capitalists who've provided jobs and the ability to achieve the American dream have suddenly become monsters, the bad guys. 

Let's face it, at least half the population of our nation has become lemmings, lazy patsies, all of whom are happy to take the easiest route in the name of fairness to all.

Hell with America. Columbus, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln... all bad guys. 

I wish mommies and daddies would have told those who are offended that life's not fair, that it's not what happens to a person that counts, it's what he does with it that matters.

I pray to God... whoops, I just offended someone, that we regain some sanity in America, that the men and woman... offended someone again... will stand up like their mothers and fathers did... and again... to ensure the Constitution of this great United States... yup, I mentioned the country in a positive light... sorry... be upheld, that the nation as a whole, grow a big ol' pair. Take that as you may.

So, whether others like it or not, as hard as it may be, I'll march into 2021 with a positive attitude. I've chosen to put my trust in God, not some lamebrain politician in Washington DC or power crazed "do as I say, not as I do" governor, and if I'm offending anyone, tough.

Well, I've, no doubt, lost half of my readers, but I  don't take any advertising, so it's no hair off my back. I do ask that you join me in praying for our nation and if you find that offensive, well, I think prayer's outlawed in China. I'm sure they'd welcome you.

S'cuse me. I've probably said too much, but it feels good to get it off my chest. Time to take a walk.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...


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