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Isn't she beautiful? |
4 degrees/cloudy/ WINDY
Pentoga Road
Lest I keep you guessing, the young lady above is the daughter of one of my former high school students from many many years ago. Her daddy, Matt, was one of my students in band and mass communications and currently teaches at their local high school in Missouri.
Poor Matt is bemoaning that his little girl has turned thirteen. That, alone, is cause for alarm, but then to have her be so pretty and pose as a model for a local photographer would send the worries up and down any father's spine.
My sage reply to Matt was, "I'm glad she's your daughter!"
I taught Matt about everything I know except how to be a father to a beautiful daughter. Of that, I have absolutely no knowledge.
Hmm, maybe I ought to send the boy a baseball bat to ward off all the boys that will, do doubt, be at their front door in the near future.
In the big news from Pentoga Road, I'm happy to announce that Sargie is officially retiring! She's talked about it for sometime now and I haven't discouraged the thought. In fact, I might have talked her into it. We've talked and discussed and she's decided it's time to become a full time grandma, traveler, and retiree.
It's no secret that we love being together and are each other's best friends. When she's home, it seems no matter what one or the other is doing, we end up doing it together. I think that's what best friends do.
We have a big trip coming up this spring to Mississippi Brother Garry and Miss Jody's, plus we'll be going from there to Brownsville, Texas, to spend a few days at Yooper Brother Mark and Sheri's time share, then back to Garry and Jody's for a day or two, and from there... well, who knows? Isn't that what being retired is supposed to be all about?
We've dreamed for years about just taking off and having no idea where we're heading. There's a lot of country to explore and finally, we have the time. Neither of us want to be gone for months at a time as we love our home on Pentoga Road, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that the thought of getting away for a few weeks here and there during these cold winter months doesn't excite both of us just a bit.
We've got a million and a half grandbabies on the East Coast who are growing up and so far, we've not been much of a part of their lives. That's about to change. We picture dropping in for a couple of days here or there before moving on.
Always leave them wanting more.
So, Sargie's hanging up her optician career and will be joining me in what will hopefully be many years of celebrating life.
Congratulations, Baby. I love you.
It's cold and it's snowy and it's miserable. I knew yesterday, during my walk, that we were going to get more snow. The county coats the roads thick with sand just before a winter event.
I had no more gotten home yesterday and the snow began to come down. I'm not sure how much fell, not much, just a few inches.
There's enough that I'll have to plow the drive today.
I guess the real storm is to hit later on Friday and continue into Saturday. I hope it's not too early as we'll be driving to Marquette Friday morning so I can enjoy a root canal.
Fun and games in the big city.
Much of Wednesday was spent in the shop.
I'm making a name for one of the teachers at Florence Elementary who has hinted for a while she'd like one. The girl is certainly deserving.
Problem is, her last name is one of those that ends in S-K-I and when combined with "Mrs" made the name too long to cut using only the band saw. Both the band and scroll saws were employed to get it completely cut out.
I'll continue today shaping and putting a few pretties on the name. It's a fun thing to work on while the music is playing and the coffee is hot.
Sargie seems to be feeling much better now and is about back to normal. Her deep cough is lessening and she seems to be hitting on all cylinders.
In totally worthless news worth mentioning, Andy sent a picture of his newest Ozzie delight from down under, chicken flavored potato chips.
It's obvious the boy is exploring all the nooks and crannies of the local culture, including the cuisine.
My girl works today. I'm going for my walk, then plow the drive while the shop is warming up. After? Well there's that long name that ends in S-K-I to work on, some music to listen to, coffee to sip, and of course, there's that mandatory afternoon grandpa nap to attend to.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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