March 7, 2019 - Thursday morning
-9 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road
My friend, Eileen, sent the above photo from Maine, but it would be appropriate anywhere in the North Country. There are a few potholes in this area in which a person could strip down, grab a bar of soap, and take a quick bath.
As a buddy of mine used to say, "They, (the potholes) keep the tourists with the Cadillacs out."
Michigan's new Governor has proposed a .43 a gallon gasoline tax increase to fix the state's roads. The equine industry will love it as horses will probably become the UP's main source of transportation. Sargie can ride ol' Paint the forty miles to the Vision Center and I'll saddle up Trigger to gallop the seventeen to Florence when called.
Hey, it's just money. Doesn't it grow on trees?
Wednesday was one of the best I've had in a long time. My day began at Florence Elementary where I filled in for the PE teacher.
You know, there are certain advantages to being the PE instructor. For instance, we played kick ball in fourth grade and I got to be the full time pitcher.
Ah, even on the downhill slide towards seventy years of age, I can roll a ball with the best of them.
The pre K class, those that are Grady's age, were delighted to play Doghouse Tag. Basically, we ran all around the gym squealing, giggling, and occasionally falling down with fits of laugher.
Having some free time, I meandered into the office and asked Miss Holly and Principal Neal if there was anything they needed help with. Neal said he thought Mrs. Wilcox could use a hand in the library.
Why of course! Becky's one of my favorite people in the world.
Mrs. Wilcox was teaching a problem solving, team sharing, unit on fashioning a marble chute from paper. I was able to join two of the teams and officially assumed the duties as the scotch tape dispensary person.
In the end, all the runs worked and the second graders were congratulated for their efforts.
Even after years of supervising more teachers, interns, and student teachers than I can remember, I still learn something new each time I visit a classroom. For me, watching a good educator teach is a humbling experience as it causes me to think of what I could have done better. Thankfully, even as a substitute teacher, it's never too late.
Thanks for the lesson, Becky!
It was time to head to the high school to finish my day. Going from teaching Bob Kitties to full fledged Bob Cats requires some mental work, but after sitting for several minutes and watching snow being loaded into a dump truck, I was fully prepared for the afternoon's challenge.
Thanks for the lesson, Becky!
It was time to head to the high school to finish my day. Going from teaching Bob Kitties to full fledged Bob Cats requires some mental work, but after sitting for several minutes and watching snow being loaded into a dump truck, I was fully prepared for the afternoon's challenge.
All went well during the afternoon and it wasn't long before the school day ended.
Chief's owners came and got their pup last night. Our house seems eerily quiet this morning, similar to the silence that follows a tornado. I'll miss the big pup.
Sargie was home early and we had a quiet evening. We're both off today and have every intention of enjoying our time together. It's been a while.
The bulldog is still in pieces on the dining room table and I think I'll work on that this morning. Sargie's spending some time doing those things she enjoys. No doubt, we'll join forces this afternoon and go for our drive, grab a Coke along the way, and see the sights.
Sargie's back to work tomorrow. I'm not scheduled to teach, but Neal had that look in his eye yesterday afternoon. Coupled with a wicked smile, the principal of the Bob Kitties said I shouldn't be surprised if his voice is the first I hear Friday morning as he calls me in to sub.
I don't mind. Neal and I are of the same generation, we speak the same educational language, and he's become a trusted friend. Hey, there's worse things to do than spend a day at Florence Elementary, Home of the Roarin' Bob Kitties.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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Meow... oops, I mean GRRR |
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