August 16, 2018 - Thursday morning
62 degrees/high overcast/calm winds
Pentoga Road
I usually wake up every morning eagerly anticipating what the day will bring.
Not so this morning.
You see, today is Living Room Window Washing Day. The time has come for Sargie and I to bite the bullet and tackle these windows from hell, remove the panes, swipe the insides, then with the grace of God, replace them in the exact order and pray neither of us has missed a speck here or there.
I've had root canals that are more enjoyable.
There's seldom ever a disparaging word between Sargie and me in our everyday lives. Having traveled somewhat rough and rocky roads in our previous lives, we made a pact that our's would be devoid of negativity. After seven years, we've kept that vow... with one exception.
Living Room Window Washing Day.
After fiasco's of years past, we decided last year that we'd simply replace the relic panes, install new windows that would alleviate our suffering and once a year disagreements.
Problem is, windows cost lots of money. Good ones cost lots and lots of money, one of the reasons I'm going to occasionally substitute teach this year. For every day I take a step back into the classroom, we're that much closer to having new windows.
Maybe today won't be so bad. I'm going to keep a lid on my frustrations as I go up and down the ladder outside, then up and down again, and heck, why not a third or fourth or fifth or sixth time? With a hurting foot, those ladder rungs will feel extra good. I'll take the windows out so the interiors can be swiped, Sargie will do the insides, I'll do the outsides, I'll be back up the ladder replacing the panes, then take them out again when it's discovered one of us has missed a spot. That scene will be replayed over and over and over.
What's so different today from the other window washing days of years past? Why, we're going to have fun swiping the dirt and specks from the living room windows. It'll be a game called Find that Smear! The 70's station on Alexa will be cranked up and we'll sing and and dance our way to window cleanliness. There'll be absolutely no frustrations, no (as Sargie calls it) snippiness. Today is our annual Living Room Window Washing Day on Pentoga Road and if anyone wants to swipe, wash, sing, and dance, with us, you're more than invited. It seems a shame to keep this party all to ourselves.
It was a busy one around here on Wednesday. After seeing Sargie off to work, I climbed aboard the riding mower and groomed the meadows and trails.
They'll need another mowing before Labor Day and after that, who knows? It all depends on the weather. It's hard to believe that summer is coming to a close.
I did a few things around the barn and yard, gathered some more fire wood that had been previously cut and began cleaning around the barn in preparation for summer's end.
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Where was Hambone, my Tractor Boy, when I needed him? |
One tree in back of the barn has some beautiful apples.
Problem is, they are summer apples and soft, not Sargie's or my favorite kind. They're not a total waste as the deer find them delicious.
Neighbor Mike called and asked me to check on something at their camp. He also made the mention that I should pick any summer squash from the garden we may want. We wanted!
After a quick trip to town, I returned home and planned on spending the rest of the day in the shop. It was tempting, but then I thought how really nice it was outside, absolutely perfect; not too hot, not too cold, just a bit of a breeze. It was time to go fishing!
I knew it was going to be a good afternoon when I was greeted by a flotilla of ducklings.
Babies from this year's hatch, some peeped, others quacked. All were stretching their wings and it won't be long before each will be taking his first flight, getting ready to head to warmer climes.
Fishing was good.
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An undersized smallmouth bass |
Several nice bluegills were caught along with a few crappies. By afternoon's end, I'd caught close to the limit of twenty-five.
Once home, no small amount of time was spent cleaning the day's catch.
With the filets stored in ice, they'll be mighty tasty at one of our fish fries.
With Sargie running late from work, I watered her flowers then was happy to take a shower and call it a day. This gimping around on a bad foot takes a lot of serious energy and after a full day on the move, I was ready to sit down.
Sargie arrived home and we enjoyed a good old-fashioned summertime meal of grilled burgers and potatoes along with Jambo's summer squash.
It's time to get this uploaded and begin the day. Sargie just got out of the shower meaning Living Room Window Washing Day is growing closer at hand. Since no one's offered to help, I guess we'll bite the bullet and swipe and scrub all by ourselves.
Here we go. Remember, Tom, it's a singing dance party and I love to sing and dance. We're going to have fun, washing and swiping, rockin' and rollin' to 70's music. We can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this we an do this we can do this.
After all, a man's work and that of his beautiful bride, is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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