February 7, 2016 - Sunday
29 degrees/clouds/snow/calm
Pentoga Road
Things are pretty slow this morning in the North Country. Huge flakes are falling, making it appear as though we live in a snow globe. According to Carl the Weatherman, we're to get some snow, but I don't believe it's to accumulate.
I worked in the shop Saturday morning, completing the frame and base of strawberry pyramid #2. I've made several jigs and measuring sticks that eliminate the need for a tape measure and that certainly speeds the building process considerably. When I'm finished with the planters, I'll bundle all the jigs and measuring sticks and label them so they can be used the next time.

I talked with Matt yesterday and found that Jess and Bennet have come home from the hospital after only one day. Jess's folks have traveled down from northern Maine to help with the transition. Mom and baby continue to do just fine.
Sargie and I did a bit of shopping yesterday afternoon. She wanted to find a platter on which to put cheese and crackers to take to the Super Bowl gathering later today at Jeanne and Boyd's.
After carrying in wood, the afternoon was spent together watching tv, munching popcorn, and enjoying life.
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I just came back inside from firing up the propane heater in the shop. I've gotten into the habit of starting it, then coming back in for half an hour to let the shop warm up. I'm delicate, you know. It's so much easier to work when I don't have to continually blow on my fingers to keep them warm and nimble. Actually, I've worked for so many years in the extreme cold without any heat that I enjoy pampering myself. I well remember the days of having broken down on the snowmobile, often several hundred miles from the closest village and working barehanded in -40 degree temperatures. No more. As I said, I'm delicate.
I've got spring fever this year and don't know why. We've had a dream winter, an El Nino one, with temperatures rarely dipping below zero. Since it's been so warm, why am I chomping at the bit for spring and summer to arrive? I have more summertime projects dancing through my head than my brain has room for. I continually look through seed catalogues, have started thinking about sprouting flower seeds this year, petunias for the planters, even geraniums. I'd like to expand the garden by half, possibly even more, and there's still a part of the yard left to finish landscaping.
I continue to read about miniature horses and their potential to be guide animals and if that would come to fruition, then a small barn needs to be constructed and fencing built. I want to build a couple of rabbit hutches as we can always use the meat with the droppings used to fertilize the garden. With spring and summer comes fishing, a lawn to maintain (with Sargie's help), places to go, people to see. Oh, if only you had my life.
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Today looks to be a fun one. I'm going to work in the shop for a couple of hours then we'll head into town to pick up the bread that we ordered yesterday. Later on, the car will be pointed to the south and east as we make our way to Jeanne's to watch the Super Bowl. Sargie has to work early on Monday so I doubt we'll stay for the entire game.
And with that being said, it's time to move along. After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales of Pentoga Road...
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