29 degrees/cloudy/snow flurries/calm
Pentoga Road
These are quiet days on Pentoga Road. All the adorning of presents was officially finished last night, the wrapping table will be put back in the basement today and presents placed under the tree. Bring 'er on, we're ready for Christmas.
For the first time in several weeks, I walked three miles Monday morning. Initially, a five-miler was to be undertaken, but good sense replaced valor and I decided that maybe I should crawl a bit before I ran. The three miles seemed like mere child's play and there were no sore muscles or blistered feet after. I'll do the full five this morning.
If you look closely, you'll see a deer ahead in the middle of the road. |
The drive was plowed and scraped down to the pavement in preparation for today's predicted snowfall. Yooper Brother Mark just sent a text saying rain is falling in Iron River. I wish Sargie didn't have to go to work today.
The rest of Monday was spent inside. Mom wrapped a few presents while I was outside and after, we watched a movie or two on television. I might have also closed my eyes for an hour-long nap.
Sargie didn't get home until later in the evening. I guess the Vision Center was a happening place yesterday.
Oldest son, Josh, called last night and asked if we wanted to Skype and have the grandbabies open their presents. They'll be away over Christmas and in years past, we've had "our" Christmas a day or two early so I might watch the kids open the presents we give them. It was nice sharing that moment with the babies, even if it was digitally. When three-year-old Cody said, "Thank you Papa," I about cried.
Ellie with a stuffed cat she made with the sewing kit we gave her for Christmas. |
But first, it's time to grab a cup of coffee and think a few deep Christmas-type thoughts.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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