Brrrr. Actually, it had warmed a degree by the time I took this picture a while ago. When I got out of bed shortly after 5, the thermometer was registering 35 degrees. |
35 degrees/clear/calm
Pentoga Road
It appears we dodged another Al Gore/global warming bullet by a degree or two this morning. Upon seeing the temperature registering 35 degrees, I walked outside to check for frost. Thankfully, I didn't see any... I think. Yooper Brother Mark sent an email saying he had 31 degrees in town with frost. I hope the same didn't happen here. I'll know in a short while once the sun hits the garden.
Where my cabin is located, north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska, it's currently 57 degrees, a normal, seasonal, temperature for the region. Who needs the Arctic Circle when he has the UP of Michigan?
I was in town at the lumberyard first thing Wednesday morning purchasing the 5/8's, 4x8 sheets of OSB board for the roof of the storage shed. The worker claimed I couldn't get it in the back of the Blazer. Little did he know...
I walked my usual five miles and saw a wolf cross in front of me just down the road from the house. By the time I removed the camera from my pocket, he was gone. Thankfully, I didn't have Brutus or there could have been a real battle, one in which Brutus wouldn't have a chance.
Other than some housework, the rest of the day was spent on the side yard. I am now officially finished with the back part, from the large spruce tree back to the meadow. Over the past two months, I uncovered and buried an old dump, several large piles of rocks, a barn foundation, a roll of ancient barbed wire, and some beer cans that dated back to the "church key" days.
All are buried and what remains is a future lawn and garden.
The site of a future gazebo? A picnic table and nearby fire pit? Stay tuned. |
So that was my day. I picked quite a few zucchini squash from the four plants in the garden. I need to call Sheri and the Milligan's to see if anyone needs any. Next year, I think I'll put one zucchini seed in the soil. We could feed the starving third world countries with the four plants that are currently growing.
Mmm, a fresh cucumber sandwich... |
Sargie was home late last night so we didn't have much of an opportunity to catch up. Thankfully, she's off today and we'll be heading to Rhinelander later to exchange the roll up door for the storage shed. After, Sargie said she'd hop on the tractor and work the front end loader, lifting the heavy 4x8 sheets up to me while I attempt to attach them to the rafters. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, Michelle, Sargie's buddy and co-worker sent a creme-filled donut home for me. That girl will do anything for maple syrup and garden goodies. I need to remember to send her some.
So with that, it's time to pour another cup of coffee and enjoy that donut. After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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