Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012 – Sunday morning
33 degrees
Pentoga Road

It was announced on the late news last night that this weekend is probably the peak leaf period for the fall. I’d have to agree. I just don’t see how they can be any more beautiful than now. And to think, in a week or two, they’ll all be gone and the trees will be bare… and time keeps marching on.

The majority of Saturday was spent putting meat on the table. With the temperature approaching 60, the winds calm, and not a cloud in the sky, I launched the Man Yacht on a local lake and set off after the mighty bluegill.

They weren’t biting on worms… hmm, a possible washout? I couldn’t see, but rather, heard, fish smacking the surface. Anyone who has ever fished with a fly rod knows that sound. It reminds me of a baby smacking his lips.

I quickly changed from using worms to a small artificial, one that can jiggle on the surface of the water.

The fishing began.

Enough bluegills were caught for fish fry tonight. If I’d have taken my fly rod, I think I’d have caught quite a few more. Oh well, there’s always the next time.

I dug half a row of potatoes early Saturday morning and though there aren’t a lot, most are fairly good sized. I’m putting them in a box in the basement and hopefully, they’ll last well into the fall and early winter.

Saturday afternoon was spent fiddling around the place. After cleaning the fish, I burned the trash, checked the bear bait, etc. I should have done much more, but the urge to close my eyes kept getting in my way. Oh, and I also took a nap. Plying the big waters in search of meat for the table can be tiring.

Sargie didn’t get home until late and we enjoyed loaded baked potatoes for a late night supper. I adorned mine with fresh chives cut earlier in the day, garden potatoes, bacon, butter, and sour cream. It was delicious. The ice cream smothered with chocolate sauce I enjoyed for dessert didn’t go down too badly either.

Today will be spent moving the outdoor items from Sargie’s old house, the grill, a park bench, chairs, and so forth. There’s also a love seat and a large table. Some or both will go into storage for now.

It will be an adventure. We’re taking the Man Truck. First, I need to use the high pressure washer and remove all the wood bark and small pieces from the truck’s bed. After that, it will be a mind-boggling, thrill-of-the-century ride of 40 mph to Vulcan and back. I’m hoping we’re back home before the Packers play at 3:30.

This young turkey wandered into the yard Saturday morning
Monday? There are a million chores to complete before winter arrives. They’ve changed the weather forecast for this next week to a more seasonal norm, so hopefully, that cold weather mentioned yesterday won’t materialize, at least for now. I might sneak out first thing in the morning to look for a few more bluegills. There won’t be many more opportunities this fall. It’s hard to believe that in two months, I could be ice fishing. I’ll be ready.

So are the the tales from Pentoga Road…


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