Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28, 2012 – Friday
29 degrees/clear
Pentoga Road

Sargie suggested the temperature be included daily in the morning’s heading. Actually, this morning is a bit warmer than previously.

One triumph was enjoyed on Pentoga Road yesterday morning. After purchasing a new box of Bisquick, I successfully made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. After going down in flames last week and having my self esteem irreparably damaged, I was a bit unsure, but triumphed in the end. Thinking back on yesterday’s culinary victory, it’s pretty hard to screw up a mix if one follows the directions.

It’s going to be a short one today. I overslept this morning. It must have been due to the wild time we had in the UP’s largest city, Marquette, yesterday.

OK, that’s an exaggeration. There was nothing wild about it, but it was an enjoyable trip. The drive up was one real-life video filled with orange and red trees. There were several stretches featuring vivid color as far as the eye could see. Depending on the weather, I’m guessing the fall colors will be at their peak in this weekend. They are quickly turning and the trees will be dropping their leaves shortly after.

We arrived an hour-and-a-half before my meeting and spent most that time shopping for baby gifts for Brielle. I admit, I’m a lousy women’s wear/ baby gift browser, and within minutes of stepping into the first store, I bade Sargie goodbye and headed to Radio Shack, the only real Man Store in the mall.

It's still September and Christmas displays are already popping up in the stores. What are we going to celebrate in December, the 4th of July?
Sargie dropped me off at Marquette High School half an hour early and I spent the time wandering around, talking with teachers (school had let out for the day), and finally found the designated room. It never fails to amaze me that schools are schools regardless if they are at the top of the world or in the UP of Michigan. They have the same feel, odors, and noise. It must have something to do with children and learning, eh. You think?

The meeting was filled with undergraduate education majors from Northern Michigan University who finally had enough college hours to qualify to substitute teach. I was the only old person in attendance.

The scheduled two-hour gathering was finished in an hour, the time it took to fill out a bit of paperwork. Since all the attendees had teacher education training (or had taught it) we skipped that section and called it a day. After I get my fingerprints submitted and a check written to the State of Michigan for a substitute teacher’s license, I’ll be official. I’m told it takes up to three weeks for all the red tape to clear. The way government operates, it will probably be more like three years.

We enjoyed pizza last evening with Macrea, Cale, Sargie’s niece, Sasha, and Garth, Sargie’s nephew, all university students. I later told Sargie I felt old. The kids were talking about some sort of code on Twitter, etc. etc. that neither of us understood. And really, we shouldn’t. That’s why youth is for the young.

Six people, three family sized pizzas. There were't more than a half dozen small pieces placed in a box to take home with them. You think college kids don't have an appetite?
The trip home was just as enjoyable. We talked and gabbed and riding in the copilot’s seat, I attempted to help Sargie watch for deer. Boy, that’s like tippy toeing through a minefield in snow boots.

Lake Superior
Deer are all over this time of the year and seem to have a fondness for the middle of the road. There are a few that seem bent on committing suicide by sprinting out in front of a passing car. Luckily, we missed any and all and arrived home unscathed.

This morning will be my last at work. Later this afternoon, I’ll head over to Iron Mountain and meet Sargie so we can visit with Ashley and Brent and talk baby talk with Brielle.

It’s supposed to be a nice weekend and there’s so much I’m behind on around the ranch that I’m not sure where to start. Maybe I’ll treat all the chores equally and just go fishing.

And so are the tales from Pentoga Road…


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