Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012
Pentoga Road

I’ve not had the opportunity to personally welcome the newest member of the Milligan cousins, Brielle Susan, to the world. Born on September 19th, I’m certain Brielle’s mommy, Ashley, was probably the most grateful of anyone when Baby Brielle decided it was time to make an appearance. Due to early complications, Ashley was on complete bed rest for several months, mostly lying flat on her back.

Sargie and I will get to see Brielle for the first time Friday afternoon when she embarks on her first road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Iron Mountain. Hopefully, it won’t be that long until she’ll be running along the trails, climbing trees, kayaking, and going for four-wheeler rides at Aunt Sargie’s and Uncle Tom’s house on Pentoga Road. As I keep saying, all that’s needed here is a spark of youth. Along with Marley and Aubrey, Brielle’s older cousins, it appears that could happen.

Congratulations, Ashley and Brent. Hang on, your journey has just begun!!

Wednesday was an exact replica of Tuesday. I worked at camp in the morning and cut wood all afternoon. The big maple is now stacked in neat rows in the wood shed just waiting for the cold winter months. For the most part, it’s of very good quality, dry, and not rotten.

I wonder if it is possible to get a bar any more stuck than this? I eventually used a wedge and the other chainsaw to free the thing.

Sargie arrived home early Wednesday evening after a visit with Mr. Milligan. Hungry for meat and potatoes, I fired up the grill on the back deck to cook southern style barbeque ribs. I’m surprised we didn’t have several bears joining us. Sargie made a big salad and along with fresh Pontiac potatoes from the garden, we ate like the little piggies we know how to be. A bowl of Moose Tracks ice cream topped off a near-perfect meal.

I will officially rejoin the ranks of the retired on Friday after working with some wonderful and caring people at the camp.

I’ve learned a couple of things during my brief tenure as an office manager:
1)   I’m not an accountant
2)   Taking off one’s shoes and socks when having to count past ten grows tiresome
3)   Old dogs really do have a hard time learning new tricks, especially when it comes to accounting software
4)   Accepting life’s limitations can be a difficult pill to swallow
5)   I had the opportunity to be in the professional workforce for forty years and there comes a time when it’s okay to let those who are younger enjoy the same privilege.
6)   That 99.9% of anyone who I’ve ever dealt with are really nice people. It’s that .01 % who will always be a pain in my backside.
7)   That educators and clergy are very similar. The teacher answers to a superintendent who toils away somewhere in a district office surrounded by trusty secretaries and bookkeepers. Clergy answers to a Higher Power who works in us all surrounded by disciples and believers.

Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp
Speaking of retired, I received my official retirement papers from Alaska in yesterday’s mail. Over three months late, they informed me that I can go ahead and retire with benefits.

Sargie and I head north to Marquette later today where I’ll get to attend a two-hour meeting about how to be a substitute. I completed the last of the required learning modules last night and even received (I had to print it off for today’s meeting) a Certificate of Completion. I doubt that will be framed and hung on the living room wall. We're also looking forward to having supper with Cale and Macrea and find out what's new in their lives.

I’m already thinking about next week’s tasks. I need to dig the remaining potatoes and put the garden to bed for the winter. The barn badly needs cleaning in preparation of the trapping season that begins next month. And then I have to boil, dye, and wax, my traps. There are saplings to chip for mulch and bluegills to catch for weekly fish fries. I’ve got to keep that Yooper woman of mine in fresh fish.

As I repeatedly say, a man’s work is never done.

And so are the tales from Pentoga Road…

That's all folks!

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