Saturday, December 12, 2020



December 12, 2020 - Saturday morning
24 degrees/breezy/cloudy
Pentoga Road

Man oh man, these kids are growing up. It wasn't that long ago that Isabella and Hambone were just learning to walk, but mostly crawling, while playing with each other.

Like most Christmas programs this year, Isabella's is virtual. I'm not sure what that means other than we can watch it online in the name of public health. Unfortunately, that's all any of the performer's parents, friends, and relatives, are able to do too.

Boy, that's spreading the old warm and fuzzy electronic Christmas spirit, eh? 

Remember the AT&T phone ditty that went, "Reach out, reach out and touch someone."

Uncle Tom and Auntie Sargie will be watching Isabella on the computer, but we're not going to reach out and touch a screen. We'll just wait until Isabella's visiting from Wyoming and give her a great big old fashioned hug.

There's just not a lot to report from Pentoga Road this morning. I spent the majority of Friday in the shop working on the black lab. I didn't anticipate it would take so long, but attention to detail on the eyes, nose, and tongue was painstaking, especially mixing the right colors.

Late afternoon had settled in by the time I walked out of the shop. This pup's ready to go to a new home.

It was almost dark and I was repairing the exhaust pipe on the tractor when suddenly, it all fell off the manifold onto the ground. 

Cold and disgusted, I packed up tools and called it day.

Looking on the internet last night, I learned I can replace the entire exhaust system, both pipes, the muffler, and even the clamps, from the manifold down, for under $75. I'll order them shortly after the first of the year.

Last night was another yawner spent in front of the television. I noticed that Sargie is getting ready to wrap presents. That means we'll be carrying a folding table up from the basement along with boxes of paper and bags. 

My bride says wrapping and all that goes with it makes a mess, but it's a Christmas mess we both enjoy. It means my Sargie is making holiday magic. 

Okay, daylight has arrived. It's time to put a few miles under these feet of mine.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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