Makenna just turned four months old and she's a happy girl!
October 7, 2020 - Wednesday morning
45 degrees/clear skies/breezy
Pentoga Road
Nothing makes a person smile, even an old, crusty, guy like me, like a happy baby. She's sure a cutie pie.
Tuesday was a busy day on Pentoga Road. Arriving home from my early morning walk and waiting for Jambo to go fishing, I decided to begin vacuuming the leaves around the side of the garage and back deck to use as mulch in the garden.
Our very inexpensive electric leaf blower also converts into a vacuum that will chop leaves and blow them into an attached bag. I discovered several years ago that it's perfect for making mulch.
I was on a roll when Jambo texted, saying he was standing me up and going fishing with Dr. Paul, his son. That was fine as the weather was perfect and I wanted to get as many leaves as possible blown, sucked, raked, or moved from the yard.
It wasn't long before the garden was covered with several inches of chopped leaves. I'll till each bed yet this week, mixing the mulch and soil. Other than where the rutabagas are growing, the garden is ready for a long winter's nap.
Sargie was busy doing laundry and other housework, so I returned back outside after breakfast and attacked the leaves in a more conventional manner, with either the blower or a good old fashioned rake.
Weighing very little, I raked huge piles onto a large tarp to drag off into the woods.
I was almost finished when I saw Sargie carrying yard ornaments and summer furniture to the storage container. The girl was on a roll. Not wanting to discourage her, I thought I'd better roll right alongside her.
Before anything large could go into the storage container, the snowmobile had to come out. Putting the machine on dollies, we rolled it to the front of the building and outside. The Tundra started with one pull and before I knew it, I was enjoying a snowless ride on the grass around the front meadow.
Sargie and I were a team of shakers and movers that couldn't be stopped. Everything from Grady's tractor (that wouldn't start) along with the lawn and garden equipment, to the large chipper/shredder, was started, given a dose of gas stabilizer, shut off, and put away for the year.

Ending Sargie the Stilt's season, even the basketball standard was drained of water and readied for the winter.
Storm clouds were quickly gathering on the horizon. I was about to store the two wheeled weed trimmer when Sargie reminded me the hostas and hollyhocks needed cutting.
I raced from one bed to the other and had just put the machine under cover when the torrential rain arrived. The day was done and what a busy day it had been!
We enjoyed fried fish for supper last night. Aunt Joanne called and later, Brother Doctor Reverend Pat called from California. We had the most wonderful chat while catching up on each other's lives. Pat and I talked of possibly meeting in Sitka next year with our brides for a week of visiting, fishing, and camaraderie.
On today's agenda: Beats me. I need to purchase electrical supplies to run electricity in the garden shed. We'd talked of doing some shopping, somewhere. I'm guessing Rhinelander, but who knows? That's one of the fun things about being retired.
Hmm, sounds like a road trip to me. We'll get the songs going, turn up the volume, and sing our way to where ever our destination might be.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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