With the two inches of heavy rain that fell the night before last, along with the storms that are forecast for tonight, I'm fearful our leaf peeping season may be coming to an end.
September 25, 2020 - Friday morning
56 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road
It happens every year. Just as the leaves are reaching their peak colors, a storm, accompanied by heavy winds and rain, blows in and just like that, the leaves are pounded to the ground.
If this fall is like any other, Sargie and I will be in the yard raking, blowing, and gathering leaves whose depths can measured in feet within the next week or two.
Thursday dawned wet and miserable with 1.9 inches of water sitting in the rain gauge. I fiddled around on the internet until a break in the rain happened, then strapped on my hikers for my daily walk.
I was nearing home when I saw a beautiful woman dressed in red, well, her coat was red, walking towards me. Sargie had come to walk with me.
After enjoying a big brunch, we drove to town for Sargie's daily Coke and enjoyed a short drive after.
Even with the water dripping from the trees and a heavy mist in the air, the scenery was still beautiful.
I'm wondering if the geese know something we're only assuming. Birds, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, are streaming south before cold weather arrives.
The large flocks must be serious as much of the honking we heard yesterday came from far above the clouds. They weren't messing around.
We stopped at one of our local lakes on the way home to check on fishing conditions.
Back home and in a very lazy mood, I reclined in my chair and fell sound asleep... for over an hour and a half. It was just one of those dreary days that was conducive for a good, old fashioned, grandpa nap.
Upon awakening and clearing the cob webs from between my ears, I decided to head to the lake and try my luck while Sargie opted to remain home to put up the last of the ripe tomatoes.
Fishing was okay, but I just wasn't in the mood. I returned the few I'd caught and came back home.

Top most on my mind was getting back to the cozy, warm, and dry, house. Somewhat damp and more than a bit chilled, I was delighted by the delicious smells that greeted me coming from the kitchen.
Sargie had been working her wonderful kitchen magic while I was away.

My bride had made one of my favorites, squash, stuffed with sausage, hamburger, fresh tomato slices, Swiss and cheddar cheese, and fresh mushrooms. Words have yet to be invented to describe how delicious it was.
We had a quiet evening last night and in spite of my previous marathon afternoon nap, I slept the night through.
On today's agenda: I want to scrape the south side of the storage shed behind the barn and get a coat of paint on that before this evening's storms come thundering through. If the weather is decent, Sargie and I plan to go fishing later in the afternoon.
Meanwhile, as soon as it's light enough, I'll head out the door for my morning stroll.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
I'm doing what all husbands do when their wives's hands are hopelessly occupied in the kitchen. Helping of course!
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