Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 26, 2020 - Saturday morning
60 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Thankfully, the severe storms that blew through the Upper Peninsula last evening scraped by to the north. We received some fairly strong winds, but just .1 of an inch of rain. I wish no bad weather on our neighbors, but we've had enough of our own this past summer.

Our trees are quickly being shredded of their beautiful leaves by the latest wind and rain.

It was quite noticeable during Friday morning's walk.

Still, there were plenty to enjoy.

Once home, I used the high pressure washer to remove any loose paint from the south side of the storage shed. I wanted to spray it early in the day so the wood would have a chance to dry.

Sargie and I had our big meal for brunch, leftover stuffed squash, before we took a long afternoon drive.

We were really shocked at discovering the damage caused by a tornado last August around a lake ten miles west of Iron River. 

Assuming the side of the storage shed was dry, we returned home to begin painting. I did the overhead work while Sargie painted the trim and sides down below.

Finished with the storage unit, Sargie went ahead and painted the trim around the rest of the barn.

While she was busy, I began cleaning the flower bed by the barn and taking the refuse into the woods.

The canna and dahlia bulbs will be lifted and stored in the basement over the winter months.

I'd noticed the Wolf River apples were dropping to the ground in an unnatural number. Upon closer inspection, I found that the partridge are using our tree and fruit as their daily buffet.

The apples are huge and ready to be harvested.

Even with the partridge damage, there were plenty. We'll dehydrate those and the rest of the Macintosh in the days ahead. Of course, a few will be stored for the coming winter months.

Finished picking, I used the two wheeled weed trimmer to cut the asparagus fronds and haul them away.

The calendula flowers have spread over the west end of the garden during the past two years. Self seeding, I'll have to begin limiting their growth next spring.

Fishing? Did someone say they wanted to go fishing?

The lake looked like it should be featured in a calendar.

Here's a question for you. Two people are sitting together in a boat, using the same lure, and fishing the same water. The fisherlady hauls in one large crappie after another while the poor poor fisherboy can only sit and watch, his lure largely ignored. How's that work?

Thank goodness one of us knows how to fish and obviously, it's not me. I caught one little bluegill and a small crappie last night. Master Angler Sargie Pants caught a nice mess, enough to provide us with a good meal of fried fish later this winter.

It was getting on in the evening before the fish were cleaned, showers taken, and we had a bite to eat. Neither of us had any problem dropping off to sleep last night.

It's light enough that I can go for my walk. Otherwise, I'm not sure what's on the agenda. We've talked about taking a ride up north to look at the leaves, but I'll leave that up to the master angler. Otherwise, I'll continue cleaning the garden and/or working in the shop.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

An eagle taking flight

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