January 2, 2020 - Thursday night
30 degrees/cloudy/breezy
Pentoga Road
Since I'm the librarian at Florence Elementary on Friday, I thought I ought to write tonight. I'll be buzzing all over the place bright and early in the morning getting ready.
Thursday was a busy one once it got started. I assumed Grady would be bounding down the steps bright and early, but it was almost 10:30 before he got out of bed. The boy went to bed early Wednesday night and slept almost fourteen hours. Hambone's experiencing a growth spurt and seeming to sprout inches overnight. The way he's going, he'll be eight feet tall by the time he graduates from kindergarten.
We were busy today. Grady found that he loved the electric power shovel used to clean the deck.
The boy loved it so much that he informed me that he was going to ask Santa to bring him one next Christmas. I told his daddy and Macrea thought that was a great idea.
We moved from the porch to the task of sawing downed limbs from around the yard and orchard. This winter has left our trees looking sad.

I feel fortunate that the only major limb that wasn't broken on the Wolf River apple tree was growing fairly straight up into the air. It will become the new tree and I'm hopeful that in another two to three years, the tree will once again look normal and full.

Hambone was great help today. He dug and dragged branches into a pile so they could be fastened together and pulled behind the snowmobile to the burn pile.

The boy worked hard and as a reward, we went for a snowmobile ride around Jambo's hay field. After multiple safety lessons, it was time for the youngster to solo.
He did really well driving in the oval that I'd previously made. You'll notice there are no trees or other obstacles close by. I learned long ago when teaching the four Pennington boys to drive snowmobile that it's best done in an empty field.
It's three tired people who are on Pentoga Road tonight. Sargie worked all day at the eye clinic and Hambone and Pawpaw are about all done in after a day spent outside.
Sargie's looking forward to having Grady all to herself tomorrow and I know Grady loves his Grandma Sargie time.
Me? I'm going to teach computer classes in the morning and read to the elementary munchkins in the afternoon. No doubt, by day's end, I'll be happy that it's Friday and the weekend.
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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