Monday, December 30, 2019

There's nothing better on a cold winter evening than snuggling on the couch under a blankie and watching the Wizard of Oz.

December 30, 2019 - Monday morning
33 degrees/heavy snow/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Since Hambone's parents had to work today and The Bone is on Christmas break, we sneaked away yesterday afternoon and met Macrea halfway to bring him home.

Arg, what's with this weather? We had (no exaggeration here) literally, monsoon rains during the night. Since I'd previously put the rain gauge away for the year, I have no idea how many inches have fallen over the past several days, but it's almost guaranteed that the area will be flooding this spring once everything begins to melt.

The rain changed to snow an hour ago and we're to receive up to 13 inches before it all ends early Tuesday morning. Mmm, that'll be fun to clear, a foot of wet snow covering an inch of solid ice.

As mentioned previously, the heavy snow and freezing rain have taken their toll on the area trees, including this branch that is now laying across the old Ford tractor.

Skipping the usual morning stroll due to rain and very icy roads, I made my way to the shop Sunday morning. The praying Santa piece is now completely sanded and ready to paint and detail.

With the rain continuing to pour, I had to tip toe from the barn to the house and almost ended up on my backside more than once.

I turned on the Packers game at noon and immediately wished I'd have stayed in the shop. It's been a while since I've seen a team try to lose a game as badly as the Packers did on Sunday afternoon. Still, despite their horrible showing, the team managed to beat the lowly Detroit Lions in the last three seconds. 

The Packers better find a new attitude if they hope to go far in the playoffs.

Our first attempt at going into town was a failure as we couldn't make it up the hill in front of our house. I had to back halfway to Pentoga to make a successful run for it.

The plow truck eventually went through, spreading gravel and the rain lessened. We left to meet Macrea for the Grady exchange. 

It was good to see the little guy and we had a fun and busy evening.

Despite Grandma Sargie's best efforts, Hambone's going to have to grow a few inches before he can use the exercise bike.
Grady'd never watched the Wizard of Oz. Somewhat bored at first, he became enraptured with the old classic when Dorothy landed in Munchkinland. It was as fascinating for Grady as it was for me when I first watched it over sixty years ago.

The rest of the evening was a quiet one. Hambone and Grandma Sargie either played board games or Grady entertained himself playing a game on the computer. 

Poor kid. He'd sleep with that computer if he could, but his mean, old, and not very understanding, grandparents are from the old school and severely restrict his screen time. 

Like all children, once he's involved with the digital world, he completely shuts out anything going on around him. That's why his computer time on Pentoga Road is a special time that is earned, not a way of life.

Since I haven't heard hide nor hair from Hambone or Grandma Sargie this morning, I think I'll sneak out to the shop. I'd like to get that Santa finished over the next couple of days and put away Christmas for another year. Other than that, no doubt, Hambone and I will be plowing and shoveling (and playing in) the snow today.

After all, a man's work, Grandma Sargie's, and that of Hambone, is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

It was just before bedtime. Sargie and I looked into the dining room and there was Grady, singing and dancing with the six foot performing Santa behind him.

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