Monday, December 9, 2019

Sargie and I spent the majority of Sunday clearing the front drive of packed ice and snow
December 9, 2019 - Monday morning
25 degrees/freezing mist/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Thankfully, the heavy snow that was forecast appears as though it's going to miss us. Finally, a break.

Indeed, the drive was packed with heavy snow and ice. Having a large storm the day before Thanksgiving, we never had the chance to clean it down to the pavement before going to Indiana last week. By the time we arrived back home, it was too late. Cars and more importantly, the UPS truck had driven on it several times packing it into glacial quality snow and ice.

Both Sargie and I have gotten stuck in the middle of our drive this past week when we slid into the ruts left by the heavy UPS truck. There we'd sit, spinning on the glare ice under a couple of inches of hard packed snow.

I'd previously decided yesterday would be the day to remedy that situation. Arriving home from my morning walk, I began chipping away.

Sargie joined me soon after. There was no easy way to loosen the ice other than to use a broad six inch chisel and gently tap it several inches from the edge. 

As more and more pieces loosened, the plow was used to push those off to the side.

 We never did finish the entire drive, but by late afternoon, most of the area in front was cleaned down to the pavement. We'll be glad next March when the really heavy, wet, snows arrive.

I decided to clear the snow from the front porch roof. It was several feet high in some places, again, much too heavy for this time of the year.

It took more than an hour, but again, we'll be glad for the extra effort early next spring.

Yesterday's warm temperatures, in the mid thirties, presented some interesting sculptures as the snow began sliding from the various metal roofs.

You have to wonder what holds the snow together and keeps it from breaking apart.

All of yesterday's hard work was rewarded last night by enjoying one of the favorite UP food groups, filet du bratwurst, gently grilled outside to perfection.

Macrea sent over a couple of pictures from when he was babysitting nephew, Lincoln, while Courtney was attending the Milligan Christmas Tea last Saturday.

From the pictures and videos he sent, it appears neither Lincoln nor Hambone were letting too much grass grow under their feet.

And one last picture from Saturday's holiday tea. Sister-in-law, Trish, who hosts the annual gathering sent this. Makes perfect sense to me.

It's time to get this uploaded, strap on my hiking boots, and hit the road. I want to do a quick three miles of hills while the shop is warming up.

After, I hope to spend the day continuing to make Christmas presents.

After all, a man's work is never done.

Self manufactured, I'd venture to guess I might have the longest handled roof rake in the area. (After last year's fall from the roof of the barn, no more ladders for this old man.)
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Hambone and Sadie
All tired out from a day of play

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