Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My new shop partner
November 5, 2019 - Tuesday morning
21 degrees/clear/WINDY
Pentoga Road

It's going to be a short one this morning. For whatever reason, my body went into hibernation mode during the night and I slept late. After getting Sargie off to work, carrying in wood, and getting ready for Katie and the boys, I'm a bit short of time here.

Yesterday was wonderful. I was out in the shop early working on one of my Christmas presents, a segmented piece featuring a chipmunk.

There was a knock on the shop door. It was Sargie, ready for a day in the shop.

She learned the major power equipment yesterday and spent most of her time at the scroll saw.

My bride also learned the basics of the band saw and both floor sanders.

I emphasized more than once that the end game was to emerge at day's end with the satisfaction of being creative, but also with all ten fingers intact. 

It was the scroll saw that called out to her. After a few introductory lessons, she began working on her first piece, an elephant puzzle.

Under the dust mask, the ear protectors, and the magnifiers, lies my Sargie.
While Sargie was sawing, I sanded a bit on one piece or the other and continued working/painting the butterfly wall hanging.

I'm not sure it's my favorite, but I tried to find something that might appeal to one of my granddaughters, a young, artsy, adolescent girl. Hopefully, this will.


 It was late afternoon before Sargie and I called it quits. She'd completed sawing her elephant puzzle. 

Her exact words were, "I really like that!"

I was so proud of her and can hardly wait to see what the future holds. Sargie's very artistically talented and I know she'll be creating some beautiful works.

Honestly, it's just a lot of fun to be out in the shop together. Being creative is twice as enjoyable when I'm doing it with my best friend.

Katie should be along in a bit. I want to get another batch of apple slices in the dehydrator, plus I promised Sargie that I'd "spiffy up" the place before Katie and the boys arrive.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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