Monday, February 25, 2019

February 25, 2019 - Monday evening
1 degree/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Once again, today was totally dedicated to working in, on, or around, snow. 

Just one more good snowstorm and the greenhouse will completely disappear.
It seems no matter what I do, from bringing in wood, to getting the mail, I'm either shoveling, blowing, plowing, or wading through snow. Carl the Weatherman says there's the chance of another four inches falling Tuesday evening. 

I'm afraid it's going to be this way for at least another month, quite possibly longer. Traditionally, March is our snowiest month.

I spent quite a while today uncovering the mailbox. It wasn't the easiest snow to work with as it was packed hard from the plow going through.

Since the berm was much deeper than the blower was tall, I used a shovel to break the hard snow off into large pieces then run over those with the snow blower.

In end, the snow was cleared and the mailman had no problem delivering today's mail.

At ten below zero, this morning's walk was a chilly one. I dug into my Alaska bag and brought out the fur arctic mittens that I wore daily throughout the winter months. 

My hands remained comfy warm surrounded by fur and thick wool liners.

I felt sorry for whoever tried busting through the drifts in yesterday's blizzard and got stuck.

Stranded on the road between two open hay fields, they must have had a horrible walk in the strong winds and heavy snow to the nearest farm house, quite a ways away.

On the same road, it appears the plow had to push the snow across rather than down the road. The drifts were simply too big to push in the conventional manner.

Many of the piles were over my head.

I can relate to the neighbor who owns this mailbox. Been there/had that done!

 I worked on the drive for the majority of the day. There were drifts everywhere, all wind packed and hard as cement making them very difficult to move.

Our sign is almost covered over. It'll be a while before the lettering will be seen again.

Most of the afternoon was spent shoveling snow from one roof or the other.

I was tempted to get up on the steep metal roof over the porch that is covered in several feet of snow, but thankfully, good sense stopped me. 

I'd not have hesitated a few years ago, but I don't bounce nearly as well as I used to.

Sargie had to close tonight and should be home soon. I didn't spend more than an hour inside all day and could easily go to bed right now. I'd rather stay up and visit with my bride for a bit.

Sargie opens the Vision Center Tuesday morning. I have the opportunity to substitute teach, high school math, if I want. Right now, I'd rather spend time in the shop doing my own thing. Since I'm already committed to subbing on Wednesday, I won't feel too guilty if I turn down the job. Still...

Time to warm up some soup for my bride. She'll be tired after a long day of helping people see better.

After all, a man's work, and that of a busy optician, is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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