Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Who needs arctic Alaska when we have the Upper Peninsula?
(Tuesday morning - minus 21 degrees F w/30 mph winds)

January 30, 2019 - Tuesday morning (again)
-14 degrees/partly cloudy/strong winds
Pentoga Road

Matter of fact, it's PLUS 14 degrees in my old hometown of Kotzebue, Alaska, which puts us about 28 degrees colder. 

So much for retiring to the warm and sunny Southlands of the UP.

I found this on Craigslist and thought it was rather appropriate.

Monday was a good day serving as a roaming substitute at Florence Elementary. 

Teachers had conferences scheduled at different times during the day, so I filled in an hour here, a few minutes there from Pre K through the 6th grade.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Bob Kitties and other than one or two knuckle headed older boys, the munchkins were great.

And the older boys? Ah, we came to terms in a matter of seconds and finished their classes in great shape.

Coming home was a bit dicey. The wind was howling, blowing the little Kia all over the road.

If that wasn't bad enough, a herd of deer waited until I got alongside, then decided to run across the road in front of me. 

I swear, that Kia is a deer magnet. Aunt Sue and Uncle Terry wrote the other day suggesting we use deer whistles mounted on the car to frighten them away. We tried that several years ago and all they seemed to do was act much like a dinner bell, notifying the deer that we were available to run in front of.

I was greeted by the terrific aroma of barbecued spare ribs when I walked in the door last night. Sargie had been working kitchen magic in my absence and as a special treat, had braved the bitter temperatures and wind and had already carried in the nighttime supply of wood.

I have to be honest, I could go for this Sargie being a housewife thing.  

As mentioned in this morning's previous upload, I took Sargie to work earlier. The roads were good, the wind brutal.

I'll return to Iron Mountain this afternoon to bring her home. Thankfully, she doesn't have to work tomorrow. The temperature and wind is to be even worse then, so we lucked out.

I started the heat in the shop an hour ago and am going to venture out and see if it's warmed enough to do some meaningful work. If not, I'll come back inside and sit by the wood stove, possibly dream of the warmer days to come.

Why we are replacing the old windows in the living room.
It's time to get busy before I change my mind and forget about going outside.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Sent by my friends, Norriene and Jim
Just one question: If Up North is so nice, then why are both of you in Florida for the winter?
I'm just throwing it out there...

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