Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday's late afternoon sun shown brightly across Jambo's field

January 19, 2019 - Saturday evening
3 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Tired of watching television a bit ago, I thought I might as well write while waiting for Sargie to arrive home.

Today's been a busy, but fun, one. I entered the shop not long after Sargie left for work and didn't come back in until almost dark. It's said absence makes the heart grow fonder and if today is any indication, that's certainly true. I've missed my shop.

The first order of business was to finish a bowl that I started sometime ago. I seem to be really good at beginning projects, but not so efficient at finishing them. 
The dark band is burned by friction with another piece of hardwood while still turning on the lathe.

I seem to suffer from Adult ADHD at its worst while in the shop. I start one thing, then see or think of something else and begin that. Before I realize what's happening, there are three or four pieces going at the same time.

I guess I don't mind. It keep me from being bored.

This bowl was roughed out of green wood almost a year ago and set in a bag of shavings to finish drying. Look at that beautiful grain.
 The majority of the day was spent working on the mother/child intarsia made from hickory. Each piece was individually cut then had to be shaped and sanded. Some could be partially sanded by machine, but the majority required good, old-fashioned, handwork.

Look at that hand. Mine look just like Grandpa's did.
 By afternoon's end, the pieces were sanded and ready to have a finish put on each. 

The rest of the day was spent experimenting using the sawzall to disassemble a hardwood pallet.

I'd seen a video online of someone using the saw and completely taking one apart in under two minutes.

It works. It took a bit over five minutes to strip the pallet and stack the wood. Of course, the nails remain within the wood, but don't stick out on either side. For the garden shed I'm planning to build, they won't hurt a thing. In fact, the teeny pieces imbedded in the wood might give it a bit of character and lend to its quirkiness.

There were exactly forty board feet of flat lumber in this pallet. It's a beginning.
 As of now, I'm planning to disassemble the trailer full of pallets this coming week. I think two or three days could find them finished. Afterwards, I'll start inquiring at the area businesses and see if any have some they want to get rid of. I know the power sports (ATV/snowmobile) dealer in Iron Mountain used to have mountains of pallets to give away.

I sanded a bit more on the mother/child before coming in the house. My goal is to put a finish on each individual section Sunday morning and get the entire piece glued and assembled in the frame.

Sargie's off tomorrow. I have no idea what the afternoon will bring, but I'll let her make that executive decision. Mama didn't have no dummy.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

I was sitting here late this afternoon when suddenly, the Rooma iRobot left the base and began vacuuming on its own. Seems Sargie was at lunch and used her phone to remotely start the mini monster. I don't mind saying, it spooked me until I figured out what had happened. She thought it was hilarious. That's okay. You know what they say about paybacks.

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