Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today is Spike Day on Pentoga Road
With temperatures forecast to dip into the lower 20's we have no choice.
October 11, 2018 - Thursday
39 degrees/cloudy/very windy
Pentoga Road

Shh, what's the noise? 

Oh, yeah, that's right. It's called silence. For the first time in a week, we're not hearing rain pounding the metal roof overhead.

 Equally miserable, however, are the cold temperatures and howling wind. 

To quote a popular line in many an old cowboy movie, "Choose your poison."

Today, I'll take the wind.

Cartoons and a long drive were Wednesday's activities. There just wasn't a whole lot that Pawpaw and Hambone could do outside. Grandma Sargie also got in on a bit of indoor action.

Grandma Sargie!
Baby sitting doesn't mean actually SITTING on the baby!
We've been waiting for sunshine to snap a few peak leaf pictures, but decided that wasn't going to happen. 

Pentoga Road, looking north, from the end of our drive
 So, ignoring the driving rain, we hopped in Mom's car and after a quick drive-through at the Golden Arches for a juice box and Coke, meandered around the countryside.

It was difficult to snap any photos outside the car without getting drenched and I had to time activating the shutter with the windshield wipers while shooting from the inside.

We finally delivered Hambone to Mommy in Iron Mountain late in the afternoon. At least we got out of the house despite the bad weather.

Today's scheduled to be a busy one for Sargie and me. A contractor is due this morning to give us an estimate on the cost of replacing the living room windows. After, we'll begin digging the spikes, geraniums, and vinca vines, from the flower boxes and moving those downstairs. We've procrastinated as long as possible. 

Time to spring into action. Those spikes ain't gonna move themselves.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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