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Hambone's putting on a Candy Land clinic |
35 degrees/mist/calm winds
Pentoga Road
I'm up and trying to get all the PawPaw things done before you-know-who is awake for the day. Grady was so excited last night that he got to sleep in Grandma Hedy's big bed in the spare room.
There's a story behind that name... Hedy.
Dad was the master of nicknames. My sister, Barbara Ann, was either B'ann or Ignace. I was more versatile than my sister and answered to a variety of names: Charley, Thos, Thos B Nodnick, Water Melon Head, Knuckle Head, or Fat Boy. When Dad called me Tom, I knew I was in big trouble.
Mom wasn't without her's. After watching a movie in the 40's starring Hedy Lamar, Dad decided Mom would be called Hedy for the rest of her life. When asked why, he replied that Mom resembled the famous Hollywood actress, except Mom was even more beautiful.
From then on, Mom was known as Hedy.
Back to modern day. We were in a quandary what Grady should call Mom when he became old enough to talk. Between Mel's family and grandparents and Macrea's family, Grady has several sets of grandparents, great grandparents included. He named me PawPaw. Sargie became known as Grandma Sargie, but Mom, hmmm, what should the munchkin call Mom?
It was then that Grandma Hedy was born. I'm certain Dad is looking down and smiling, knowing that his beautiful Hedy continues to receive the attention and respect she deserves.
Wednesday was anything but exciting. After arriving home from Iron Mountain, I changed clothes and began working on the undercarriage of the four wheeler.
The frame for the plow was loose, had bent, and was getting worse. Knowing that yesterday's warm temperatures could be the last we'd see until next spring, I decided there was no time like the present to play mechanic.
The entire day was spent lying on my side or back in some manner. Once underneath, I discovered the problem was even worse than originally thought.
At some point, the undercarriage and a big rock had collided with the four wheeler coming out the looser.
A trip to town was made for the needed supplies, hardened bolts, and other goodies. A grind here, a weld there, and by late afternoon, all was tight and ready to go.
I was happy to stand in the steaming hot shower last night and let the scalding water pour over my head and back. After five hours of lying on the cold and damp floor, my body was chilled completely through.
The phone rang. It was Grandma Sargie saying she was on her way home and had a surprise. Grady was with her!
What a fun evening we had last night. Pizza was on the menu for supper. Mmm, Grandma Sargie brings home the best pizzas.
Then it was time to play Candy Land. Each of us had an action figure to help us along our way and in the end, Grandma Sargie barely beat Grady across the finish line.
PawPaw? Well, let's just say that I was thoroughly humbled by a three-year-old.
I hear rumblings from overhead, so I guess it's time to end today's missive and get ready for the hurricane that will soon be blowing down the steps. We're to have freezing rain turning to snow today, so I'm not certain how much we'll be outside. Thankfully, Sargie isn't working and doesn't have to worry about driving in the upcoming mess.
No worries about the bad weather making a dent in our plans. After all, there's always Candy Land and if we tire of that, I see a box that says Alphabet Bingo. What are the poor people doing?
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Hambone Travolta showing me some of his dance moves |
After all, a man's work is never done.
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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