Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Granddaughter, Ivy, looking out over the Atlantic Ocean in Old Orchard Beach, Maine
June 27, 2017 - Tuesday
47 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Talk about a worthless day. Monday certainly qualified.

I managed to get into the garden for a short time before the rain started... again. To add insult to injury, it not only rained, but the early morning temperature rose no higher than 45 degrees.

I was weeding the onions when it occurred to me that if it were only ten degrees colder, the light rain that was falling could very well be snow.

The first drop hit me square on the forehead. Swearing, I hastily wiped both hands on my jeans before blowing on them in an attempt to regain some feeling and sprinted to the house. 

Yooper Brother Mark had previously made mention about finding a tricycle for Isabella. I'd seen one at the thrift shop in Crystal Falls late last week and volunteered to get it for her. With rain falling, there wasn't much else to do anyway.

I found two kiddy vehicles. One was a conventional tricycle, the other a tiny two wheeler with training wheels. For a mere $17, I purchased both telling Mark that they were Isabella's as long as she's visiting, then Grady can use them after she leaves. 

After dropping them off at Mark and Sheri's, I came back home and got lazy, real lazy. Watching a documentary, it was almost two hours before I turned the tv set off. With rain falling, the wind blowing, and temperatures making it feel as though it ought to be November rather than late June, there was nary a shred of guilt on my part. Besides, everyone is always telling me to slow down, that I'm retired and it's okay to be lazy. 

I thought I'd try it and see how it feels.

It felt good. Mighty good.

The sun finally came out around four and I just couldn't stay inside any longer. Grabbing an old ice cream pail, I headed to the honeyberry bushes in the orchard and began picking.

A member of the honeysuckle family, honeyberries are a fairly new introduction to the gardening community in North America. Mine are from an extremely hardy strain developed in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Two of my five bushes are five years old and are loaded with berries.

The fruits are oblong in shape, fairly large, and taste similar to a blueberry.

 Almost an hour and a half was spent was spent plucking the berries from the bushes and all should be finished today. As of now, Wednesday's looking as though it will be spent making honeyberry jam.

It appears we'll have a bumper crop of blueberries this year, but we need sun and warm temperatures. The dozen plants are approaching shoulder height and most are loaded with fruit.

Sargie had asked earlier if I would water the ferns and flowers growing on the front porch. With all the rain, we'd forgotten to water anything under cover.

I took down the pot that previously had the nest containing eggs and what did I find but a nest with several baby birds.

Mama, a white breasted sparrow, was hesitant to leave, but sat patiently nearby as I carefully watered around the nest. The pot rehung, Mama lost no time inspecting her babies before covering them with her body. 

Sargie didn't arrive home last night until well past 9:30. She opens today making last night a short one.

I think I'll attempt walking a few miles this morning. The bone spurs in both heels have quit hurting and it's time to test the waters. Going from walking three to five miles a day down to nothing has about driven me crazy this summer. I enjoy my early morning strolls through the countryside. Keep your fingers crossed.

I hope to pick the rest of the honeyberries today and possibly drive to town for any supplies needed to make jam. On the other hand, there's no wind and I've only been fishing a couple of times this summer. 

Walking/picking berries vs fishing. 

You know, if I hustle around, I could probably do it all. 

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Isabella found a turtle making its way through Grandma and Grandpa's yard Monday afternoon.

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