Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The family playing bocce ball on Milligan Mountain
May 30, 2017 - Tuesday
49 degrees/cloudy/calm winds
Pentoga Road

It doesn't seem fair. It seems like yesterday that Sargie and I were excited that she wouldn't have to return to work until the Tuesday after Memorial Day. My favorite optician in the world would have a rare four days to call her own. At that time, Tuesday seemed a long ways away. 

I'm not certain where the time went, but like it or not, Tuesday has arrived. Darn.

We've received .8 of an inch of rain over the past two days. Supposedly, today is the last of the current bout of monsoons and it's to turn warm and dry for a few days. Seeing is believing.

Monday's Mighty Milligan Memorial Day Celebration was one of the best ever. The story is the same as with all our gatherings, lots of laughter, way too much delicious food, love, hugs, kisses, and more laughter. 

I'll let a few pictures do the talking.

Grady and Brielle making a wish. He asked for a coin to throw in the fountain. Not having one, we walked hand in hand to the car where I stole a penny from Sargie's Coke money.
Hostess and world-famous JC Penney model, Nancy, snapped into one of her poses that made her face a household fixture the world over.
Sasha showing the rest how bocce ball is really played. Look at that grace, the poise, the form. 
We also celebrated great niece Piper's first birthday.

Aubrey and Brielle singing Happy Birthday
The gathering began to break up late in the afternoon and ended as it had begun, with hugs and kisses. Almost all said they would be over on the 17th to celebrate Mom's 90th birthday. There's nothing better than a Milligan Family gathering.

Hambone and Pawpaw had some quality time on Sunday. I was happy that he paused long enough to talk to his old Pawpaw.
We drove through some horrific rains coming home, but arrived safe and sound. Sargie cleaned two more kitchen cabinets last night while I fiddled around outside. 

Sargie's back to work today. Assuming it doesn't rain, I'm going to mow... again. The grass is, literally, growing inches a day. The front meadow and side yard are more than ankle deep and the front and back look shaggy. 

Speaking of growing, the squash that were planted on Friday are already poking through the ground. Crazy, eh? All we need is some warm, dry, weather to make the entire garden jump to life.

I better get busy here and pack Sargie's lunch and get breakfast ready.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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