Sunday, February 12, 2017

Look who came to visit Saturday afternoon.
It's Hambone!
February 12, 2017 - Sunday
32 degrees/cloudy/windy
Pentoga Road

What a great surprise when Macrea called early Sunday afternoon saying they might drive over for a visit. Sargie and I made a quick dash into town for chicken and other goodies while the kids brought some side goodies to enjoy. Of course, the most valuable gift they brought was ol' Grady.

I spent most of Saturday morning in the shop working on the worm alphabet puzzle.

The back of the pieces needed to be painted, the letters painted on the front. Other than some touch up here and there, the first worm puzzle is finished with two more to make over the next few days.

I also began cutting out the shapes for for toddler puzzles. Those should be much easier and not nearly as time consuming.

I've noticed that the disk sander wasn't sanding evenly and I was surprised how out of square it was.

It took some time, but it's back in sync with the world once again.

We had a great visit with Mel, Macrea, and Grady. We talked, laughed, and ate, then ate some more.

Grady named the new fish. The calico one's name is Spot. The black fish will now be called Boop, as in Betty Boop. I have no idea where Grady came up with that name, but he was insistent, so Boop it is.

Grady helped me bring in firewood, his favorite outside activity. He loves throwing chunks in the wheelbarrow, then climbing in and riding to the house.

I hope he keeps that love of carrying in wood for many years. Pawpaw's not getting any younger.
We also went for a snowmobile ride and played fetch with Brutus. Life doesn't get much better when you're two and a half years old.

Sargie works from noon until five today. I'm going to head back out to the shop and finish the worm puzzle and begin working on the toddler pieces. I also want to begin a new project on the lathe. Since Packer's football is over for the year, I find myself with ample Sunday afternoon time to fill while Sargie's working.

It's time to turn the heat on in the shop and get this day on the road.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

Grady's helping to fill the snowmobile with gas before our ride Saturday afternoon. 

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