Monday, February 13, 2017

(Click on the arrow)
Ivy obviously has inherited the same smooth dance moves as her grandfather and father.  
She's the latest in a long line of family shakers and movers.

February 13, 2017 - Monday
19 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

For whatever reason, I'm running a day late and a dollar short this morning. Seems since the 3 AM episode of insomnia last week, I've been able to snooze right up until the alarm rings. Who knows what goes on inside the human body.

Thanks to Isabella's mommy, Sarah, for catching yesterday's typos. I'd put November rather than February for the day's date. If I ever write a book, I'll hire Sarah to be my proof reader. You can't put one over on a crafty kindergarten teacher. I taught her well in college.

I want to wish a happy 35th birthday to my son, Matt. I talked with him last night. He was far away from home in Oregon after several days of meetings. The poor boy hopes to make it home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire today, but wasn't overly optimistic as the area is forecast to receive two feet of snow.

Sunday morning began with a paint brush in hand. The top of the wood stove has been looking shabby and was sporting some surface rust. I used a special paint mixed for high heat then built a fire to bake the finish. The stove looks new and rejuvenated. 

I should have painted the pot while I was at it.
I fixed omelets for breakfast and made a great discovery along the way. Macrea had brought over frozen vegetables to eat with dinner on Saturday. I took some of the leftovers and included those in the omelets. They were delicious.


Sargie left for work and I headed out to the shop. The temperatures were fairly warm, but the wind was howling, making the day purely miserable.

I put the finishing touches on the worm puzzle and it's ready to pack up and get in the mail. Hopefully, it will be at the post office tomorrow.

Most of the day was spent either cutting out a toddler's puzzle or turning a pencil holder for nephew Taylor.

I caught rumors that the boy has a busy work desk, but nothing in which to place his accessories. We'll see if we can't fix that problem over the next couple of days.

I doubt this will be the final shape. The inside has been hollowed out, but still has very thick walls until I decide what the final design should be. For now, there will be ropes carved into the top and bottom, and a slimmer base. Strange how different each piece looks in a picture as compared to being on a lathe.

I ran into one problem, a crack along the grain. The wood was taken off the lathe last night, glued, and clamped. It should be ready to continue turning today.

Sargie was home early and we enjoyed left over chicken and a salad for supper. 

She opens today. I'm going for my usual walk then plan to spend time in the shop. Assuming the wind's not howling, I want to make some rudimentary measurements on the north side of the barn. A carport might be in the works for this summer, made in much the same manner as the storage unit. Without exterior walls or a floor, it should be much easier.

It's time to move along and get Sargie's lunch packed and her breakfast made.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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