Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The name of the game on Tuesday was snow... nine inches worth.
January 11, 2017 - Wednesday
5 degrees/moderate snow/breezy
Pentoga Road

The snow just keeps coming down. It quit late last night only to begin again this morning. Supposedly, we're only to get 1 to 3 inches. Uh huh... that's what they said about yesterday's accumulation and we ended up with almost nine. 

It is beautiful, but then I like when the woods look like a Hallmark Christmas card. Everything is so animated and still.

I look out at the garden and wonder how any place that was so lush, so green, so vibrant, just a few months ago can be so empty and desolate now. Oh well, hopefully, we'll be asking that same question in reverse a few months from now.

I was up bright and early on Tuesday and on the lake shortly after daybreak.

Once again, I could be crowned king of the largemouth bass, but a mere serf when it comes to catching the lowly bluegill or crappie. 

With lousy fishing and heavy snow already falling, I decided to move the shack onto shore. Any amount of snow often causes water to come up on the ice causing slush. Used to be, it didn't bother me. Now, I'd rather not deal with it.

It was almost white out conditions before I left the lake
I pulled the shack up to the boat landing to weather out the storm. No doubt, I'll be putting it back out later this week when the weather and conditions clear.

Back home by mid morning, Sargie and I made a quick dash to town to run a few errands. We were home before noon and spent the rest of the day watching movies and being lazy. As Sargie said last night, it was a fun day.

Late afternoon found Sargie doing laundry and me back outside removing the snow that had fallen during the day. It was a chore as the snow was heavy and somewhat wet.

I'd plow for a while then switch over and use the snow blower. The wind began blowing so hard that drifts were forming in the drive quicker than I could remove them.

We weren't sure at bedtime that Sargie would be able to get to work this morning. I was up at six and soon discovered the boys must have worked all night cleaning the area roads, Pentoga Road included.

Originally, the forecast called for one inch of snow to fall today so Sargie drove the Kia rather than the Blazer to work. Now more is predicted. Hopefully it will stop and the roads are plowed by the time she drives home tonight.

I'm going to plow the drive this morning, attempt to clean Neighbor Mike's lane, then spend the rest of the day either in the shop or sitting by the wood stove. I want to try carving a rope border into a practice bowl. That's today's big goal. 

Otherwise? Well, there are seed catalogues to drool over and deep thoughts to think.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

The Tundra on Tuesday morning, equipped to go fishing.

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