Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Looking towards the Brule River from downtown Pentoga Village
September 21, 2016 - Wednesday
57 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

After oversleeping this morning, I'm running a day late and a dollar short. I wish I could sleep as peacefully and soundly as I did last night all the time.

Since Sargie didn't have to work until late yesterday morning and I was short of time to walk before picking up the freezer at 11 AM, I decided to make a quick hike to Pentoga Village. It is almost three miles round trip, but there are some hefty hills between here and there.

Heading down into Pentoga Village, a ghost town of few structures and no residents. Though it's a mile and a half away, our's is the last full time residence between here and there.
I arrived home with minutes to spare and quickly hooked the trailer onto the Blazer and drove to our neighbor's to load the freezer. Owning a two-wheeled cart has been a Godsend and I managed to load the large upright and get it home without a problem.

The contents from the little chest freezer will be moved to the larger one, then it will be unplugged, thawed, scrubbed, and moved to the neighbor's to complete the trade.

It was a beautiful day, far too nice to stay inside, even in the shop.

One pumpkin vine is sprawling over the top of the greenhouse.
I worked in the garden for a while, picking more tomatoes. 

A closer check of the dehydrator found those tomatoes that had been drying overnight were ready to be removed and replaced by new ones.

The dehydrated slices are placed in a freezer bag to be used later this winter in sauces, soups, and stews, or our favorite, like potato chips.
I hadn't planned on putting up tomatoes yesterday, but sometimes a person has to make hay while the sun shines. It was bright on Tuesday.

In checking the patch on the boat, it appeared like it should work. There's only one way to know for sure, test it!

Fishing was poor, but the boat is once again seaworthy. 

There were still a couple of hours of daylight left and I wasn't in any hurry to come inside. Sargie was closing and wouldn't be home until well past 9 and I didn't care to sit in front of the television all evening. What to do?

I strapped on the boots and decided to walk back down to the Brule River.  

The sumac is changing into brilliant shades of red
I made it to the river and back in good time, one hour even. The killer hills are certainly steep enough to raise my heart rate, but I was able to climb them without slowing down.

I have an app that tells me speed and distance. Our home is the red/green dot towards the top. The circle down below is in Pentoga Village and of course the bottom is the Brule River.

Once Sargie was home, she ate supper while we fast forwarded through the results show of Dancing With the Stars. Bedtime came later than usual.

Sargie opens this morning. I'm going for the usual five mile stroll and after that, who knows? This is to be our last nice day for a while, so I'll try to spend it outdoors, probably mowing the grass. It's still growing as though it were the middle of June. The tomatoes in the dehydrator will be dried and a new batch will be prepared to replace them.

Time to move along and get this show on the road.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

The Big Moose pumpkins have turned a brilliant orange and will be ready to take to the good little girls and boy, nieces and Grady, when it gets closer to Halloween.

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