Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A mysterious hole was discovered in the bottom of the boat on Monday afternoon.
September 20, 2016 - Tuesday
46 degrees/clear skies/calm winds
Pentoga Road

So here's the deal. I went to charge the battery for the trolling motor on Monday afternoon when I looked down and saw a hole in the bottom of the boat.

It wasn't a small hole, but a fairly good one. The way the shards were bent, it appeared as if it was made from the top down.

From the bottom looking up
I had noticed on Sunday when we arrived home from fishing that the battery was over on it's side, something that going over a big bump can cause. The battery is heavy and difficult to move, let alone fall over.

Neither Sargie or I can remember hitting a pothole or running over a curb on our way home, so what caused the hole? I haven't a clue and imagine that it will be one of those life-long mysteries, never to be solved.

I bent the aluminum into place, ground the areas around the hole, both top and bottom, and applied a liberal application of good epoxy.

There's a clear coat of very hard epoxy over the hole.

Since we don't use anything other than an electric trolling motor to power the boat, I'm not really concerned about any stress to the repair. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone who welds aluminum and have it done right.

I walked my five miles yesterday and worked the rest of the day in the shop. This current project is to where I can stop in another day or two and then I'll begin working on a garden gate. I think I've found a picture of a design I like. Once that's complete, I'll give the entire arbor, lattice, and gate a final coat of paint and we'll call it good to go.

I've been using a Dremel brand scroll saw that was manufactured in the early 70's. Neighbor Mike found it buried in the basement of his camp that was originally an old farmhouse. He was going to throw it away but offered it to me first. I cleaned and lubricated it, replaced a couple of corroded wires, plugged the thing in, and it works like a charm. In fact, I prefer it over my two newer ones.
Another four trays of tomatoes were sliced and put into the dehydrator. I hate to see them go to waste and it appears everyone must have all they need as they are about impossible to give away. Thankfully, the tomatoes are about gone in the garden and I can put this year's crop in the rearview mirror. Though plentiful, they were some of the lousiest I've grown in a long time.

Sargie was home early last night and she made a wonderful cuke/tomato/cheese salad. That, along with brats on the grill, made a great summertime meal. You'd be proud of me, I only had two brats, no buns, lots of salad, and opted for a small dish of yogurt for dessert rather than my usual tub of ice cream drowning in caramel sauce and blueberries.

The diet? Coupled with more exercise, I'm counting calories and trying to eat less carbs. 

Sargie closes tonight which makes a long day for her. I'm going to walk this morning then trade freezers with a neighbor. Marion had mentioned sometime ago that she wanted to get rid of her large upright chest freezer and wished she could find a small chest model. A widow of two years, she's downsizing. I told her we had a fairly new, small, chest freezer and were looking for large upright. An instant trade was agreed on.

The larger freezer will be brought home and plugged in today. Once cold, I'll transfer the food from our small one, let the chest freezer thaw out so I can scrub and clean it, then take it to Marion's by week's end. 

It's time to move on here and get breakfast ready. Yesterday's tomato slices should be fully dehydrated which means another batch will need to be picked, washed, sliced, and placed inside the machine. So much to do, so little of me. If only you had my life.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

The yacht in the shop for repairs

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