Sunday, April 3, 2016

Yooper Brother Mark, Sheri, and Sargie
April 3, 2016 - Sunday
17 degrees/breezy/light snow
Pentoga Road

Yuck, what a crummy day it is outside our windows this morning. It's one of those cold and gray days that's good for only one of two things: staying in bed or snuggling up on the couch under a blanket with a big bowl of hot, buttered, popcorn, and watching a good movie. If Sargie didn't have to work from noon to five today, we'd probably do both.

I worked on emptying the trailer Saturday morning with only a few pieces remaining to be pitched onto the wood pile. I got near the end and simply ran out of energy and quit. I think I used most of my get-up-and-go this past week and there was no gas left in the tank. I'll finish today or tomorrow. 

I'm nearing the end of hauling wood for the season and will be able to cross that off my list. The pile I'm currently working on is for the year after next and it's almost full. If I stockpile wood for any longer, it dries too much and being soft wood, will burn like newspaper. 

Mark and Sheri came out early in the afternoon and the four of us had a great time talking and catching up on the news. Sheri asked if I would make a grave marker for her great grandfather's grave. They have spent time searching for it and finally found the location in the old Iron River Cemetery. I was honored she asked. 

Mark (or as we call him around here, St. Mark) helped to find the problem with the lights on the ceiling fan. Appears I got the wiring mixed up a bit, but he had the problem fixed in a matter of minutes. It now works like a charm!

We got creative last night and made cheddar/broccoli soup. 

I took some of last summer's broccoli from the freezer and Sargie added added chicken and shrimp.

We both had two bowls and thankfully, there's still enough for another meal. It was one of our best works of kitchen magic.

Sargie's working today. I told her if the snow develops, I'd ride over with her. So far, we've gotten just a light covering. I'm not certain what I'd do for five hours in Iron Mountain on a Sunday afternoon. I could visit the sisters-in-law and purchase some lumber at Home Depot, although I'm not certain the back window would close on the Blazer if I get all the lumber I need. That would make for a cold ride home this evening. 

Other than that, I'd like to finish emptying the trailer, maybe solve world hunger and peace. Oops, it's Sunday... that means there's the mandatory grandpa nap to be taken. It's written somewhere in the Grandpa handbook.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

This is what happens when one messes with a Mighty Milligan!
Naw, that's a lie, the glasses broke on their own. Thankfully, I have my own personal optician. Hopefully, the frames can be repaired. Worry not, Mom, I have two spare pair of glasses.

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