Monday, April 11, 2016

The arches for the garden arbor
April 11, 2016 - Monday
28 degrees/cloudy/breezy
Pentoga Road

We're up early this morning. Sargie has an 8 o'clock meeting in the Vision Center before officially beginning her work day at 9 AM. She probably won't see the outside until well past 6 tonight. The payoff for such a long day? She'll get Friday off.

I spent a while on Sunday thumbing through the analytics of this blog. They don't tell me who is reading, but report the numbers from individual cities and countries on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. It never ceases to amaze me how far this little blurb reaches. 

For instance, someone visits this site almost daily from Portugal. I wonder who it is, what he (or she) does for a living. Hmm, foreign and exotic. Perhaps a double agent, a James Bond type?  

The Ukraine has a frequent reader as does Poland. Russia and China are hit and miss, but the UK and British Isles have readers. Australia visits almost daily and my friend, Fay, lives in the Sydney area. We've corresponded throughout the years. Fay's a sweetheart.

Then there are those towns in the US with names I'd never heard of. Arkansas City, Du Queen, Dripping Springs, and Goose Creek are just a few. 

I enjoy researching those communities on days when I'm stuck inside. For instance, Arkansas City, Kansas, isn't pronounced, ark an saw, but rather ark kans us.

At any rate, it's fun to occasionally sort through where the readers are located. I remain curious why folks from Chicago or any other large city would read the blathering of a very average, very rural, retired, person. I guess it's as one lady said, "You just start reading and before you know it, it's become a habit to see what's happening on Pentoga Road." Another once quipped that, "Pentoga Road seems like this place where gardens grow in the summer and snowmen are made during the winter."

Hmm, no wonder I love this place so much.

Page Two:

There's not much to talk about regarding the happenings on Sunday. I worked in the shop most of the day finishing the arches. 

The first challenge was how to cut the huge 2x12 board from which the arches are made.

At one point, the board was too front-heavy for the miter saw and the whole thing toppled from the work bench when my back was turned. Thankfully nothing was broken.

Sargie and I made our usual day-off trip into town for homemade bread. It wasn't a nice day at all and with the rural roads being muddy, we didn't go for a very long drive after.

While Sargie lay down in the afternoon, I sneaked back out to the shop and finished cutting out the arches on the band saw. The little light that Sargie gave me is really nice. It has a weighted base and I can place it about anywhere to shine directly on my work. 

I'll be walking early this morning and should be home shortly after 8 AM. I need to do a bit more on the arbor, then will set that project aside until the weather warms enough that I can begin putting all the pieces together at the garden entrance. 

I've a couple other projects for others to work on and hope to get those out of the way before the end of the week when temperatures are forecast to reach 70 degrees. I'm getting the itch to get in the garden, move some dirt, dig some holes, and do about anything as long as it is outdoors.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

The various pieces of the garden arbor are stacked in the barn awaiting warmer and dryer weather.

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