Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's extremely rare to see a duck roosting in a tree, but brother-in-law Ross sent me this picture of a wood duck sitting up high behind their house in Iron Mountain. Wood ducks are one of the few species that do.
April 13, 2016 - Wedesday
31 degrees/snow/calm winds
Pentoga Road

Though it's snowing again, spring must be here. Deer are everywhere, at the edge of the back yard and when I was walking early Monday morning, I saw several either standing in, or alongside, the road.

I almost walked into the middle of one group that I didn't see. Hmm, just call me the deer whisperer. 

Sargie continues to mend, albeit very slowly. The rash that has called her mid section home is rapidly healing and all visible signs of the scabs will soon be gone. Unfortunately, the pain has moved back internally to her lower left side and often travels around to the front with a feeling similar to that of passing a kidney stone. It's how this bout of shingles began, hopefully it will be how it ends. It's been a tough several weeks for Sargie. 

I was walking Monday morning, going up Heart Break Hill, when I developed an ache and burning sensation in my lower abdomen wall. There's been some inkling in the past few weeks that something isn't right in that area, but Monday confirmed it.

I reached down, put my hand inside my pants, and pushed. The pain went away. I took the hand away, the pain was back. I could feel a swelling in the abdominal wall and suspected a hernia.

I walked the last four miles applying pressure. The earphones were removed that I might hear an approaching car in time to remove my hand before they could see me. I didn't want a mommy driving a car filled with kiddies and have her shout, "Children, close your eyes and DON'T look at that man!" 

Tuesday's doctor's appointment confirmed my self diagnosis. It's a hernia. Currently, I'm waiting for the surgeon's office to call and schedule a consult appointment to make arrangements to have it repaired.

The past two days have been spent working on a bench/planter that I was asked to build. They wanted it constructed similar to how it was built many many years ago. The only problem? It has since rotted and fallen into decay. I had only a rough description, a hand drawn sketch, and a few pictures to work from:

I could get a job working for a CSI unit in one of the major metropolitan areas... to construct a bench and planter from a few remains.

It began with a hope and a prayer and proceeded from there. I wanted to make it somewhat practical, yet keep the original concept intact. It was fun, but definitely a challenge.

I'd come up with this much by late Monday afternoon. There was hope.

Tuesday morning brought an appointment with Dr. Katie. I stopped by the Vision Center after and was talking with Sargie when Ross walked in. The three of us talked for sometime before Ross and I decided we'd move our conversation out of the Vision Center and have a cup of coffee.

I had a wonderful time and we agreed that from now, we're meeting for coffee at least one morning a month. Ross is married to Sargie's oldest sister, Holly.

The rest of the day was spent in the shop. I figured, I cut, I nailed, screwed, and glued. Finally, by late afternoon, the bench/planter was moved out into barn. I'd done all I could.

The height of the bench was doubled from ten inches so that it could actually be used to sit on. The box behind was left similar to the original to hold pots or other garden goodies. The bench is made from all treated lumber and should outlive us all.

Sargie closes tonight... a very late one for her. With new hours, she won't arrive back home until well past 9. 

Since I can no longer take long walks, I'm going to start my day in the shop, experimenting with various designs for the grave marker Sheri has asked me to make. I'm certain it will be a cross, but after looking at thousands of pictures on the internet, I've discovered there are a gajillion different designs. I'll enjoy making several today from scrap wood and see what I come up with.

Other than that, I'm going to take it easy so I don't trip over that hernia that has called my front side home. I guess I could do what a couple of guys I knew did in the arctic when they had hernias with no way to have them repaired; wrap duct tape tightly around themselves and continue on with business as usual. Ouch. The thought makes me shudder. Think I'll just take it easy.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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