Friday, January 15, 2016

Ice fishermen venturing way out on our largest lake. No doubt, all manner of vehicles will be dotting the ice this weekend after the first brave soul drives out.
January 15, 2016 - Friday
19 degrees/freezing drizzle/calm winds
Pentoga Road

There's a weather advisory this morning concerning freezing drizzle and slippery roads. I'm not too happy about Sargie having to drive in this stuff, but I don't remember having a say about any of it. 

Thursday was almost a non-event. Other than trudge out to the ice shack to set it up on 2x4 blocks, I did absolutely nothing.

Years ago, when I was 23 going on 10 and knew everything there was to know, a buddy and I built an ice shack that rivaled a Sherman tank in weight. We later set it out on a local lake, the plywood floor flat on the ice. I might also mention we were both dumber than stumps.

Over the course of the winter, water was pushed down by heavy snow and when it began flowing over the floor then froze solid, we finally realized we should have set our ice fishing palace on blocks. 

It took hours, over a day, to free the structure. I've not made that mistake since, but have witnessed others who gave up trying to free their shacks and simply burned them to the ground... or ice.

Page Two

I almost lost the fourth finger on my left hand Thursday morning while chopping an apple to put in Sargie's oatmeal casserole. It's a recipe whose roots originated with sister-in-law, Nancy, the famous JC Penny model. Sargie has since expanded the ingredients and it's become our favorite all-season breakfast faire.

Oatmeal, chopped apple, coconut, dried cranberries, raisins, peanuts, peanut butter, honey, and maple syrup, plus other ingredients (depending on availability) comprise Sargie's oatmeal casserole. Even Aunt Sue, who has been known to castigate me for my dietary preferences, would have to agree that this is a healthy choice.
I was happily chopping away when the sharp knife sliced through the apple and cut deeply into the tip of my finger. Normally, stitches would have been required, but Nurse Sargie came galloping to the rescue with a tube of super glue. The cut was pressed together in a matter of seconds and the bleeding stopped.

 Sargie and I took our usual day-off drive to town, making several stops. I purchased two pair of used skis at the local thrift store with which to make more ice fishing sleds. Sargie seems to think that they should easily sell locally and even Yooper Brother Mark mentioned I should patent the idea. There'll be no patent, but I can spend a day to make another and see if the thing actually sells. 

The trip to town seemed as though we were driving in a snow globe. Snow was falling straight down and was light and fluffy. Beautiful.

Once home, we spent much of the afternoon watching old episodes of Name that Tune from the 1970's. Later, we laughed along with Hollywood Squares from 1972. 

The game shows were hilarious, but the prizes and commercials were even better. Featured on one show? A Chevy Vega! Life didn't get any better.

We had pork chops done on the grill and winter squash for supper.

Yesterday's pork prices were the lowest we've seen in years. Pork chops at the grocery store were $1.09 a pound on sale.

Winter squash has become our go-to vegetable, replacing potatoes. They are so sweet that we bake them and add only a bit of butter. No sugar is needed. 

Sargie opens the Vision Center this morning. I'll head out to the shack when she leaves and make another attempt at catching the world record crappie... or simply try hooking anything that swims beneath the ice. 

It's a tough life, but darn it, someone has to step up to the plate and do it.

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

 "over the river and through the woods..."

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