Thursday, October 29, 2015

Isabella's ready for Halloween
October 29, 2015 - Thursday
35 degrees/rain/windy
Pentoga Road

"These are the times that try men's souls..."

Thomas Paine wasn't referring to the weather we're currently experiencing, but I think most of us can identify with his words. It's cold, it's rainy, it's windy, and really, all I want to do is go outside and play. This weather is really cramping my lifestyle... big time.

Sorry the picture isn't clear. I was dodging raindrops.
With that being said, Wednesday was pretty much a washout. Brutus and I split our time between the house and the shop. I spent part of the morning putting tools away and doing a bit of cleaning. At one point, I felt creative and made two wooden knobs to fasten onto a drawer on the work table. 

Oh, and I also put plastic over the window to help keep the cold out. The single pane barn window will be replaced as soon as I find a used one that will fit. 

I got really wild dodging the raindrops and carried in firewood after lunch. At one point, Brutus didn't see me coming and I tripped over him. Poor guy, he thought he'd done something wrong and spent the rest of the day trying to make it up to me.

Other than watching the Republican debate last night, that was the sum total of my day. Sargie didn't get home until later, but her day seemed to be like mine, not very action-packed. 

The poor girl closes tonight... another long day for her. I've got a couple of carving pieces I've been working on. The kettle that sits atop the wood stove needs to be sanded and repainted in preparation for another season of boiling and hissing steam into the air.  

Then there's the book I've been meaning to work on. Mom has been saying for the past decade she hopes I'll get it finished while she's still young enough to read it. Ah, at 88 years old, Mom's good for another forty years or so. I've got plenty of time.

Decisions decisions. Life is full of them. Meanwhile, I think I'll pour another cup of coffee and think deep thoughts. Now, if only I could decide which deep thought I should concentrate on. 

After all, a man's work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road...

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