Look who came to visit Grandma and Grandpa Sunday afternoon! |
8 degrees/partly cloudy/calm
Pentoga Road
Sunday was a fun one on Pentoga Road. After uploading the log, I put on my heavies and headed to the lake. I wanted to be fishing shortly after sunrise.
My son, Luke, had suggested I use an artificial bait, the brand name Gulp, a small rubber minnow imitation that is steeped in some sort of oil to give it a minnow-like flavor. Well, the manufacturer says they taste like minnows. I, personally, didn't try one.
Whatever the reason, the bait worked well and I was rewarded by catching the largest crappies of the season.
One measured fourteen and a half inches in length, big enough to qualify for the Michigan Master Anglers program, had I wanted to spend the time and effort to have it officially measured. Someday, I'm going to take one of my fish and jump through all the official hoops just so I can receive the certificate and patch of a real Master Angler. No doubt, the certificate will be framed and hung with care in the barn and the patch? That'll probably end up in my underwear drawer.
I was home by 9:30 and cleaning fish while Sargie was doing her morning vacation thing.
The phone rang... it was Macrea wanting to know if we wanted company. He thought maybe he and Grady might come over for a visit.
Since I'd planned on frying fish for a late lunch, we sealed the deal and promised Macrea a good old-fashioned, belly-filling, fish fry. We needed to go to the grocery store for a few things and the boys were here when we arrived home.
We had so much fun with Grady Sunday afternoon. He's always laughing and talking... well, not always. If he's tired, hungry, or has poopy pants, he becomes cranky and stays that way until something changes.
Delicate and sensitive like his daddy and uncles.
Brutus isn't sure what to do with Grady. He lets the baby paw all over him for a bit, then tiring of it all, he quietly escapes to another part of the room.
Our company left for Marquette around dark. Since Sargie's on vacation, Grady's coming back to spend a few days towards the end of the week.
Vince worked on the computer last night via remote. We're going to reinstall the new software and see if that might allow the internal mic to work. He's certain it's a software glitch as there are others who have the same problem. We tried two or three work-arounds last night with no success.
Grady enjoys his sweet potatoes with a two-finger chaser. |
I'm not certain what else is on the agenda for today. Several inches of snow are forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so I imagine we'll go to town and get whatever might be needed for the next couple of days. Other than that, I think I'll just sit here sipping coffee and thinking deep thoughts.
It was nap time and he was fussy. After two-minutes of gently pounding out marching band street beats on his back, I soon had the boy sound asleep. |
So are the tales from Pentoga Road...
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