Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mmm, popcorn and a Coke at the movie. A great addition to a perfect date!
April 13, 2014 – Sunday
35 degrees/cloudy/calm
Pentoga Road

The fire feels good this morning. There’s a real chill in the air and though the thermometer says it’s above freezing, a clinging dampness in the house makes it feel much colder.

It rained yesterday morning… and rained some more. I have no idea how much fell, but what did served to wash away much of the remaining snow in the yard. Even parts of the woods are looking bare.

The potted blueberry plants are now completely exposed in the orchard and ready to be set upright. I hope the thick layer of snow that covered them during the coldest temperatures this past winter served as an adequate protection. I think I may have lost the last pear tree. The first I planted several years ago succumbed to cold temperatures sometime ago. This just isn’t pear country. The apple trees are showing life under their thin layers of cambium so I’m fairly optimistic about their survival. I’ll know for sure in a few weeks.

I caught another squirrel in the trap. I may not be able to hit the broad side of a barn when shooting, but still have a fairly deadly aim with a trap.

We left late morning to see the early matinee showing of Noah. The movie was entertaining and exciting, but I’m disappointed in the content. Honestly, it was a great piece of science fiction that was loosely structured on the Biblical writings of Noah and his ark. I think it was The Watchers, the fallen angels, garbed as walking, talking, rock monsters that disappointed me the most. They appeared to be entities that should have been featured on a Saturday morning kiddy’s cartoon show rather than in a Biblical-based work.

I’m also disappointed that God was never mentioned once. Rather, He was referred to as “the Creator.” I suppose in their attempt to not offend anyone, the creators of the movie decided to eliminate God. I told Sargie, later, that I was offended, but then what do I know? I’m just a retired, Caucasian, middle class, non church-going male, who still believes in the lessons taught early in life while attending Sunday School, and am fairly certain that no Hollywood producer (or politician for that matter) really cares what my culture thinks any more.

I was looking forward to a big ol’ tub of hot buttered popcorn, but as is becoming the norm, my eyes were much bigger than my belly. And what’s with that butter? It tasted so good going down, but once congealed in my belly, wasn’t necessarily my friend. The popcorn Sargie ate had the same affect. I think the iron-tough tummy linings of our younger days have given way to old-people’s stomachs and inhaling massive amounts of movie theater popcorn is no longer on our diets.

We did stop at a local restaurant/sports bar on the way home for to-die-for hamburgers and French fries. Actually, mine was one of the best burgers I’ve eaten in years. We’ll go back someday.

I spent most of last evening getting caught up grading papers and final projects.

Sargie’s working from noon to five this afternoon. I’m going to walk my usual five miles then play the rest of the day by ear. It’s too cold and wet to get involved in an outside project. Sounds like the perfect ingredients for taking a nap.

I’m not surprised. After all, a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

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