Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013 – Saturday
34 degrees/starry/calm
Pentoga Road

I’m up and at ‘em early in anticipation of finishing the Dog Mahol either today or tomorrow. It’s been quite the project… almost a month’s worth. For the most part, I’ve enjoyed working on Brutus’s new digs, but it’s time to reclaim my shop and begin getting ready for the upcoming winter. Other than grading papers, everything else has been put on hold.

On these chilly mornings, Brutus can be found snuggling up to the wood stove.
Aunt Sue and Uncle Terry left shortly after noon on Friday. I hated to see our good friends go. Sue had awakened feeling a bit puny, stuffy and achy, although I got an email from her last night saying she felt somewhat better.

The kitchen cabinets look beautiful. Terry did a wonderful job and any places that were chipped or worn away have been replaced with high gloss paint that matches perfectly. Thanks again, Uncle Terry.

Thursday was a busy day on Pentoga Road. Uncle Terry finished the cabinets and painted the railing and posts on the doghouse. I spent most the day reading and grading assignments. I’m really enjoying my classes and students, but there are so many of them. Teaching two sections; it’s a chore to keep who’s who straight, what questions to use for what quizzes, and to whom I’ve responded and who still needs replies. So far, I’m trusting the computer to aid me and it seems to be going well. Time will tell.

I helped Neighbor Mike move some large barn poles to the back of his property for a deer blind. We had a lot of fun dragging them behind the four-wheeler, making new trails, and simply talking and laughing. It was child/man work… heavy lifting, dragging, some spitting, whittling, and cussing, but it reminded me of when my best friend in sixth grade, Brian Miller, and I, used to make hideouts in the nearby woods. We’d scrounge any scraps of discarded lumber from nearby construction jobs and carry it to our new project. Thursday's labor felt much the same… it just happened half a century later.

The UPS man pulled into the drive. What, a package? It was from my youngest son, Andy. He sent a text telling me to open the box, that there was something inside for me. It was a Packers flag that will soon be flying over Packers Nation here on Pentoga Road. As soon as I get a pole mounted, it will be displayed for all to see. Let’s see… there’s God, family, country, and the Green Bay Packers. Yup, just wanted to be sure I had my priorities straight. Andy and Mollie will be here for a few days at the end of the month in anticipation of attending the big game on October 6th when the Lions visit the Packers at Lambeau Field. We’ll be there!

Terry, Sue, and I left later on Thursday for Iron Mountain to meet Sargie. 

My favorite optician (and the most beautiful) in the whole wide world.
We visited Mr. Milligan at the VA for a couple of hours then went to the local ski hill for supper. Our burgers and sweet potato fries were scrumptious. Waiting for Sargie to get off work, we visited the ski jump and Veteran’s Memorial. 

There is a mounted brick with Mr. Milligan’s name, a prominent World War II hero of Iwo Jima.

Once again, I began Friday by grading papers. I’m haven’t been writing the log so often recently as my eyes are better used for the university and not my frivolous musings. I was caught up with reading as of yesterday noon, but I imagine there are new assignments on the class website which await my assessment and comments.

I worked on the doghouse after Sue and Terry left, finished the garage roof, siding, and majority of the trim. Finishing touches and a last bit of painting should be done today and I’ll begin the task of making ready the three large pieces to be moved from the shop to the yard so they can be permanently connected to each other. I plan to utilize the front end loader on the tractor to make my job easier.

The wild cherry trees are heavy with ripe fruit. I wish they weren't so tart.
Neighbor Mike mentioned he might need some more help with his playhouse, I mean deer blind, so that will probably take up part of the day. These are busy times in which we live here on Pentoga Road, but then I’m not surprised.

After all, a man’s work is never done.

So are the tales from Pentoga Road…

Pasties (UP meat pie) and beer. No wonder I'm not very bright. I quit drinking years ago.

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